056 class FFL/corvette

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Banned Idiot
I was thinking maybe the smaller ones installed near the bow like the RBU-6000 like system on the type 054A.
Oh ok. That's not really "ASROC" though. ASROC or ASROC-style missiles are basically boosters that launch torpedoes or nuclear depth charges out to a few tens of km distance.


Lieutenant General
So... they can actually sail those boats all the way from Wuhan into the ocean? That is one hell of a river. Is there any other shipyard that is located not by the coast?

Why not...ships are not that wide compare to rivers.


Senior Member
So... they can actually sail those boats all the way from Wuhan into the ocean? That is one hell of a river. Is there any other shipyard that is located not by the coast?

Yes, the Yangzi is a very big - and wide - river. If you take a look at the list of warship yards in the Chinese Shipbuilding Industry thread post # 139, you will see that Wuhu, Wuzhou and Liuzhou are all situated up-river. Wuhu could easily build Type 056, and so could no doubt Wuzhou, which recently built the trimaran diver support ship Bei Jiu 143.
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So... they can actually sail those boats all the way from Wuhan into the ocean? That is one hell of a river. Is there any other shipyard that is located not by the coast?

I don't see why not, at ~1500 tons max displacement, the 056 isn't a very large ship. Wuhan sits at the intersection of the Han and Chang Jiang Rivers.


Senior Member
So... they can actually sail those boats all the way from Wuhan into the ocean? That is one hell of a river. Is there any other shipyard that is located not by the coast?

Onthe bank of Yangtze river, from Shanghai upwards towards Nanjing there are dozens of big ship yards on the banks building ocean going freighters.


Lieutenant General
Using the canal locks for the Three Gorges Dam as a reference, I think 10,000 would be the limit.

Good idea of using the lock limits as a guide. But we need to remember just how deep inland the Three Geoges Damn is. The further up river, the shallower and narrower the river, so if the river at the Three Gorges Damn can take 10,000k ships, the stretches of the river near the coast should be able to take far heavier ships.

Are you guys trying to see which shipyards might be able to construct the rumoured new 10,000k cruiser class? If so I think that shipyard infrastructure and the experience and skill of the workers would be the main limiting factors as opposed to the location of the yards.
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