Indeed! In addition, the 056 would not make for a very good or useful command ship for 022s since it's own sensors or anything a helo or UAV could carry would still not have enough range to allow the C802s the 022s carry to exploit their full range advantage.
056s would also represent a far bigger radar, thermal and acqustic signature than 022s, and as has already been pointed out, an 056 would be unlikely to be able to keep up with 022s. That means pairing off 056s and 022s would not offer much of an advantage to the 022s while the 056's presence could potentially compramise all the inherent advantages of the 022s in terms of mobility and stealth.
022s would be far better off getting targeting info from AWACS, land based OTH radars, fighter radar or even surface ship radars. Those have far better range, and also usually excellent mobility so it would be hard to try an pin down the location of 022 wolf packs based on where the sensor assets are.
However, I think the biggest problem in pairing 022s with 056s would be a case of mismatched roles.
022s are pure-breed war fighting ships that are of limited to no use for peacetime operations. Their only purpose is to sink bigger ships.
056s are more of a everyday warship, whereby they can handle themselves in a fight, but are still ultimately designed for peacetime operations like patrols, anti-piracy/smuggling, escorting merchant shipping etc. They are the first responders on scene to any incident or incursion. They are heavily enough armed that no-one would get any bright ideas, and can come up on top if a small local incident spins out of control catastrophically quickly.
Some people criticised the limited number of FL3000 rounds carried, but they are missing the point. An 056 is not supposed to be like a Burke, they are not expected to hold the line in a shooting war, that's for the heavier stuff. What the 056 offers is a package capable enough to defend against, and most likely win any confrontation against similar class ships in region yet be cheap enough that China could afford enough to buy in large enough numbers to be effective.
8 FL3000 rounds should be enough for 4-6 AShMs, that should be enough to comfotably defend against a single similar class ship firing everything they have at you. Sure having more would be nice, but if someone was firing more than 6 AShMs at a warship, odds are they are part of a government who planned and prepared for such an attack for some time before it happened. But in that case, they would be coming at you with superior local force, and it would not really matter if it's 8, 16, 32 or more FL3000s you have. If a country planned a co-ordinates attack like that, an 056 is dead no matter how many FL3000 rounds it has.
In peace time, 056s are better suited to peacetime missions, but in wartime, 022s are more useful.