My first post here
I think the type 56 ship will be very useful. It seems well designed, robust and well balanced. Obviously the raised aft deck is to allow for a TAS underneath. If used in conjuction with other ships this would be a very useful asset. It would also work well as a cost effective patrol vessel, even for non intensive warfare, such as off Somalia to protect convoys. It would make a lot more sense to have smaller ships like this as opposed to highly sophisticated and expensive cruisers and or destroyers for relatively simple roles.
It would be useful in patrolling the EEZ, escorting convoys and one would think that it should have quite good export potential. Not having a hangar means that extra weight and space can be devoted to weapons and endurance. The 1450 tonnes looks about right, 1000t is way too low, and 2000t is too high. The helicopter pad is a useful extra feature, where helicopters can be refueled, rearmed, increasing their radius if they are in a bind. In years to come they might even operate a small UAV helicopter, the ships are likely to be around for 30 years or more from now, so it is a very useful feature to add. It would also be good for such soft power tasks as showing the flag. I agree its main task seems to be ASW but it is a bit small for that, however it is still a useful ship.
All in all it seems a very useful and cost effective vessel. I have to admit to being very impressed by Chinese warship designers. I am sure they dont have the absolute best radars and missiles, but their ships are well laid out and well designed. They seem to be concentrating on doing the little things right, and in time they no doubt will improve their very high tech capability.