Chinese ships like the type 052c looks narrow-beamed compared to the likes of Arleigh-Burke, so balance may need to be considered(?)
edit: actually the bridge of type 052c is not that low.
052C and B (and all airdefence destroyers) has top extensive and heavy arrays mounted on top. which is destabilizing. this demands a deep keel and wide beam
requirement also demand a top speed number at loads.
If you read some of the stuff Mr Pan Jingfu wrote, he mentioned some of the constraints. namely propulsion.
The most powerful propulsion mature set with out steam turbine available in forseenable future is the 2+2 CODOG set they are using now. this puts a pretty firm upper limits on displacement.
given a limted displacement, the only thing they can do is 1) given a minimum acceptable beam, work on the hull form to reduce hullform drag to hit that top speed requirement 2) active stabilizer fins. which they already have.
some people rumor that 052C has lead ballasts too, which I don't believe they use.
btw he also mentioned the original 052 pair he had some 2nd thoughts on placement of the front pair type 073A 37mm guns. to get a good firing arch for these guns, they had to be raised over HHQ-7 set, which future drove a higher bridge. which exacerbated top weight problem. He questioned was it worth it to trade so much for a clear frontal fire arch for the secondary guns.
pretty interesting stuff.
on the 052 refit they finally took those guns down, a good choice.
---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------
why do Chinese ships sit so low, i mean the bridge, they dont tower as high as Western ships, even ships like Type 071 LPD have low bridges and dont have the height that other LPDs have?
just look at the bridge of Ticonderoga class cruisers, they are like a massive building!!! like a airport control tower, surely it gives better awareness and visability
Seems they prefer high freeboard over tall bridge. imho a good choice as your windowed navigation bridge is no longer the eyes to the captain.
Tics are a half solution.
Spurance hull streched to the limit.
---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------
Looks like they are making good progress on this at HP.
I wonder how many shipyards will end up building them?
Look at the relative size between the 054A in the front and the tiny 056 in the back.
this thing can not be something like 2000 tons, at max 1500 tons. clearly more of a replacement for 037series sub hunters. which makes sense. my bet is 1000 tons full displacement max.
if we take 037 series build as guide, at one point yards up down yangtze river and nook and cranys on the coastal china was building them.
also according to some there should be 2 type of 056, a "expensive" ASW version and a "cheaper" patrol. I donno if that;s mentioned here.