056 class FFL/corvette

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Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
056 is designed for base defense and probably near shore recon. They are not blue water assets


I specifically mentioned 056s vs top tier hostile subs, which no one acknowledged. Of course 056s won't of their own volition be on the front lines against hostile major surface combatants but this is not trench warfare in WW1, this is 21st century naval combat the frontline gets brought to you especially by subs.

China has more than 100 aged 037 sub chasers need to be replaced. 056's are the replacements and upgrades for them. How simple it is?

Meanwhile China is using 052 C & D's plus newly designed "big daddy" 055's to replace and expand the old 051 fleet. In addition, 22 054 & 054A's have been added to its frigate inventories. Actually without the upgrades, currently 052's are strong enough to beat navies other than the United States and Japan.
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056 is designed for base defense and probably near shore recon. They are not blue water assets

056 is for off shore recon and ASW , not near shore, near shore is too late for preventing or hunting a sub launching LACMs. And intercepting those LACMs. Shaving a hundred to two hundred miles off a LACM's range may not seem like much but it buys a lot more time for detection and interception.

China has more than 100 aged 037 sub chasers need to be replaced. 056's are the replacements and upgrades for them. How simple it is?

Meanwhile China is using 052 C & D's plus newly designed "big daddy" 055's to replace and expand the old 051 fleet. In addition, 22 054 & 054A's have been added to its frigate inventories. Actually without the upgrades, currently 052's are strong enough to beat navies other than the United States and Japan.

Yeah, I am anticipating at least 36x 056s, 12x for each fleet, if not double that. The US is one thing, but the PLAN better be able to defend itself against Japan, especially an officially "offensive allowed" one.

I have the feeling that China will continue to keep their Coast Guard vessels unarmed even as its contentious neighbors arm theirs. The 056 might be used as persistent backup without tying down the 054s or 052s. The 053H3s can also serve such a role.

I am quite fond of the 053H3s, I wonder if any of them might be upgraded with newer AA systems and kept around or if they will be replaced soon.
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I specifically mentioned 056s vs top tier hostile subs, which no one acknowledged. Of course 056s won't of their own volition be on the front lines against hostile major surface combatants but this is not trench warfare in WW1, this is 21st century naval combat the frontline gets brought to you especially by subs.

I didn't specifically acknowledged subs but I was replying in response to 056 against a modern and capable opponent so subs can be included. But let's pitch the sub scenario vs the 056. My comment still is valid, why is the assumption an 056 is alone? What makes the 056 more vulnerable than say an 054A vs a sub, especially if we're talking about the 056 ASW variant?

I have the feeling that China will continue to keep their Coast Guard vessels unarmed even as its contentious neighbors arm theirs. The 056 might be used as persistent backup without tying down the 054s or 052s. The 053H3s can also serve such a role.

I am quite fond of the 053H3s, I wonder if any of them might be upgraded with newer AA systems and kept around or if they will be replaced soon.

My understanding is that the smaller CG vessels that patrol internal waters are actually armed. So this tells me the large, new CG vessels built without armament is a deliberate strategy in the standoffs occurring in the ECS and SCS. It deprives the opposing party of making any charges that the Chinese CG vessel fired first, unless you want to accuse of firing a water cannon first. It does mean putting the CG vessels at a disadvantage against an opposing CG vessel with armament but it's a risk they are willing to take. A 056 or 053H3 lurking not far away is the backup as you say. One may argue that still makes the unarmed CG vessel a sacrificial lamb but again, in the big picture, if the other party fires first (bullets, not water), then whatever counterstrike is now fully within China's favor.


Lieutenant General
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I think we were talking about 056 facing enemy air power and surface combatants.

Against submarines, it is actually better to have a smaller ship as long as it has the same kind of ASW sensors and armament as a larger ship. So yes, against submarines, a small group of 056s with sonar suites, supported by helicopters and MPAS in the near seas will be a force to be reckoned with.
But they are still not meant to conduct those missions anywhere beyond green water and certainly not against a peer navy.


Panasian, your original post #2222 asked why 056 was undrearmed with AShMs, you didn't mention submarines at all until #2225. And even then, you bring in ASHM armament which had nothing to do with its ASW mission.

And 056 doesn't have the range for missions beyond green water. It isn't designed to hunt SSNs in open water, but to hunt SSNs and SSKs in littorals and closer to shore. The longer range ASW mission will be for FFGs and DDGs.


Junior Member
Well, also a corvette needs significantly less maintenance than frigates or destroyers, which leads to the fact that you have effectivly more ships standby if you need them.
I think we were talking about 056 facing enemy air power and surface combatants.

Against submarines, it is actually better to have a smaller ship as long as it has the same kind of ASW sensors and armament as a larger ship. So yes, against submarines, a small group of 056s with sonar suites, supported by helicopters and MPAS in the near seas will be a force to be reckoned with.
But they are still not meant to conduct those missions anywhere beyond green water and certainly not against a peer navy.


Panasian, your original post #2222 asked why 056 was undrearmed with AShMs, you didn't mention submarines at all until #2225. And even then, you bring in ASHM armament which had nothing to do with its ASW mission.

And 056 doesn't have the range for missions beyond green water. It isn't designed to hunt SSNs in open water, but to hunt SSNs and SSKs in littorals and closer to shore. The longer range ASW mission will be for FFGs and DDGs.

I had said "main missiles" because even though the 056 has only been seen so far with YJ83s it's not inconceivable that it can be armed with anti-sub missiles given the models with TAS/VDS.


Lieutenant General
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At this stage, we can't assume whether 056's YJ-83s are able to be replaced by ASROC type weapons. We haven't seen any other ship have its AShMs replaced by ASW missiles either.

And personally I doubt if 056s are meant to attack submarines with something like ASROC anyway. At the end of the day it is a fairly limited range weapon compared to helicopters, and I've stated my belief that 056s in the ASW role are to mainly act as mobile sensors in the near seas, while delivery of the main offensive weapons will be by fixed wing MPA and helicopters either temporarily onboard the 056 or from a nearby supervising FFG or older DDG.
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