A Side Note of 056's:
437厂(Hudong Zhonghua)这回牛叉一把,在056型建造质量评比中,得“双第一”:已交付的,583舰“上饶”号在海军组织的同型舰船综合质量评比中荣获第一名;待交付的,588舰“泉州”号以978的高分名列第一。
Auto Translation:
437 plant (Hudong Zhonghua) this time in the lime light, built in 056 quality evaluation, was "double first": already delivered 583 ship "Shangrao" was awarded first prize in the same type of ship Navy comprehensive assessment of the quality of the organization; to be delivered, the 588-ship "Quanzhou" was ranked first with a score of 978.
Let me tidy it up a bit.
Plant 437 (Hudong) really shines this time. They got a "double first" during the assessment and comparison of construction quality (across all plants) of Type 056. For those (ships) already commissioned, 583 "Shang Rao" was ranked first in the Navy's overall quality assessment for the 056. For those waiting to be commissioned, 588 "Quan Zhou" was ranked first.