That is the best picture yet showing the difference between the bridges. Thanks, PanA!
I don't think there is functionally or structurally significant difference. The only certain difference seem to be there is now a knee high bulwurk around the roof deck above the navigation bridge where previously there was only railings. You can tell the overhead height of the navigation bridge hasn't change much, may be raised by a foot, by the signal lamp on the starboard side on the roof the the navigation bridge. The lamp, operated by a sailor standing on the roof of the navigation bridge, remains at basically the same distance above the navigation bridge windows, thus implying the sailor would be standing at much the same level, give or take a foot, above navigation bridge as before.
I suspect the bulwurk may have been added simply to deflect wind and spray and improve the working condition for the sailors operating the signal lamp or whatever the other equipment on the navigation bridge roof that may need tending to during rough weather or high wind.
I suspect for those earlier ships without the bulwurk, you will eventually see either bulwurk installed during refit, or canvas dodgers fitted to the railings, to help shield the space against wind and spray. These are small ships and spray over the bow drenching the roof of the bridge would be commonplace occurances.
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