056 class FFL/corvette

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If we're talking about making a full blown LCS from a derivative of the 056, I concur, another section in the middle right after the exhaust stack needs to be added to provide room to retain torpedo tubes and RHIB hanger. Though I wonder where the shoreside facilities that is under the helopad will go.


Senior Member
The initial set-up would apparently be for the first ten 056's to be deployed as follows:

Haiyangdao (77 Subchaser Squadron): 580 and 581
Putuo (72 Subchaser Squadron): 582 and 583
Lianyungang (79 Subchaser Squadron): 584 and 585
Xiamen (83 Subchaser Squadron): 586 and 587
Hong Kong: 596 and 597

That corresponds to the distribution mentioned in post # 1520: one squadron in NSF, three in ESF and one in SSF.

The subchaser squadrons will reportedly be renamed light frigate squadrons (轻护舰大队).

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
It is quite possible that 6-7 or even 8 units get commissioned this year, which means the 10 units are all in place in 2013


Lieutenant General
The initial set-up would apparently be for the first ten 056's to be deployed as follows:

Haiyangdao (77 Subchaser Squadron): 580 and 581
Putuo (72 Subchaser Squadron): 582 and 583
Lianyungang (79 Subchaser Squadron): 584 and 585
Xiamen (83 Subchaser Squadron): 586 and 587
Hong Kong: 596 and 597

That corresponds to the distribution mentioned in post # 1520: one squadron in NSF, three in ESF and one in SSF.

The subchaser squadrons will reportedly be renamed light frigate squadrons (轻护舰大队).

This is interesting . Early in thread I speculate that type 056 is the intended replacement for Hainan class subchaser. Subsequent discussion have various members express their skepticism because lack of TAS or the impossibility of fitting TAS in the small room below the deck at the aft of the ships Now why would they assign the type 056 in subchaser squadron if it lack TAS ?


This is interesting . Early in thread I speculate that type 056 is the intended replacement for Hainan class subchaser. Subsequent discussion have various members express their skepticism because lack of TAS or the impossibility of fitting TAS in the small room below the deck at the aft of the ships Now why would they assign the type 056 in subchaser squadron if it lack TAS ?

Well, if franco-russe's post is correct, they are also renaming the squadrons to light frigate squadrons so it would mean their role has changed and expanded.


Well, if franco-russe's post is correct, they are also renaming the squadrons to light frigate squadrons so it would mean their role has changed and expanded.
Expanded might well be the operative word. They are then to remain sub-chasers while also taking on other work.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Well, if franco-russe's post is correct, they are also renaming the squadrons to light frigate squadrons so it would mean their role has changed and expanded.

To successfully hunt for submarines you need three things, hull based sonar, towed sonar and dipping sonar

No reason why Type 056 hull can't have a new more powerful sonar and also fit on the rear a towed array sonar plus it can carry a Z9 which can drop a dipping sonar, so it can be used as a pretty useful ASW

Z9 dipping sonar


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