056 class FFL/corvette

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Hudong 056 #1, 2, 3



New Member
Can someone elaborate those listing marks on 596 going about meter above waterline? Are they really going to upload those that high? Seems to me bit unlikely.


Banned Idiot
Even if there is no space inside the 'garage door' areas for additional storage I don't see that preventing UAVs from operating off of the 056.

If a helicopter can be operated off of just the landing pad, even if for 'one time' use making fuel supply unnecessary, then rotary wing and rocket launched UAVs can definitely do the same.

Given the 056's patrol role any UAVs based onboard will probably be reconnaissance types instead of attack types anyways so there is no need to support weapons. There are also Harpy-type one time use attack UAVs (more like manually guided loiter missiles).
The question isn't if UAV's can operate off of 056's. Of course they can. The question is can UAV's be stored inside 056's. Of course they can't. Unless you're talking about something the size of a basketball or small animal. :p


A rumor from Marine Forum today:
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04 March


Internet forum on Project 056 corvettes: “Word on the street is that both Hudong No3 and Huangpu No3 are Project 056A with enhanced ASW capabilities, possibly better hull sonar and towed array sonar”.


New Member
Great news if this is correct!

The ASW capabilities of standard 056 are very limitated...

With towed array sonar they are more capable to detect enemy submarines and fight them in coordination with other vessels and (land-based) aircrafts and helicopters...

Thats exactly what ships like 056 should do - show presence, detect submarines and other threats under own air coverage.


Banned Idiot
If this rumor pans out about an ASW 056A variant, the ASCM launchers should be replaced by ASW missiles for a limited standoff capability. TAS by itself would make the 056A little more than a sensor platform to help other ships perform offensive ASW.
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