No you are amateur and you didn't get it. Rast system is integrated with the rail But not sure if China has it So rail is only part of the system They are not different I see the system with my own eyes and the guy explain it to me I didn't get the job but interesting interview
View attachment 69986
View attachment 69985
Sigh... you still don't get it. Your original question was this, and I quote: "What is [sic] those rail [sic]". You asked about the rails and the rails only, to which I and others replied that they are for helicopter handling. Any supposed or potential add-ons are entirely tangential, so don't blame me when you couldn't even phrase your question correctly, amateur!
Furthermore, in a
subsequent post, you said, "Rast system is integrated with the rail But not sure if China has it". So there, you just admitted that RAST is separate from the rails, albeit you only understood this fact on a subconscious level.
But wait, there's more! Amazingly, you didn't even watch or understand the
you had shared. At 0:49 mark, it clearly shows the guide cable being extracted from below-deck through a hole. Later on in the video (2:23 mark), it clearly shows the guide cable is connected to a hydraulic servo below deck. Neither the guide cable nor the servo is related or connected to the rails. In an ironic twist, your own video conclusively disproves your point. I'd never thought you'd be so amateurish as to hand me the rope with which to hang you, but that's exactly what you did! This is all rather embarrassingly amateurish of you, don't you think?
And speaking of amateurism, where are those production WS-15 engines
you were so breathlessly harping on about in 2018? Yeah, I thought so. You seem to have great difficulty with basic comprehension, which explains why you didn't get the job at the "helicopter arresting wire" company because that company has high standards for janitorial positions. I know that because I own the company. On the internet I'm a 'yuge' industrialist with sprawling business interests spanning several planetary systems. So tell me, where else have you interviewed? Have you tried seeking employment with my terraforming or astroid mining companies? I'll put in a good word for you; you might even be put in charge of dispensing urinal cakes.
Please feel free to indulge us further with tales of your exploits, because on the internet,
P.S. I suggest that you give it a rest, Mr. Amateur, before you embarrass yourself any further.