CNN only a news media but not a military news agency , I would like to trust our , or others like Jane's .
Well, since we have seen no builder's trials at sea even yet, but only pictures of them outfittting, it is most likely that the first one is perhaps out on sea trials...and the secodn too perhaps. But they have builders trils and then initial PLAN trials to go through before they are delivered...and then months of trils and development of specifications and operational strategies before they are operational.The image is a god send. The best thing about it is what its not showing --- two Type 052Ds are gone. This means two Type 052Ds have gone to the sea, more likely on trials or they could have been delivered to the PLAN.
From Henri Kenhmann
Contrairement aux Type 055 construits à Shanghai, où les radars APAR étaient déjà installés avant la mise à l'eau, ceux de Dalian n'ont que des caches à la place
Translated by google
Unlike the Type 055 built in Shanghai, where APAR radars were already installed before launching, those in Dalian only have caches in place
Because CNN has always been derided by Trump and his supporters as "fake news" ... if you go on CNN's home page, you'll realize a lot of anti-Trump headlines.I read that article but because it's old news so I don't bother to repost it here. Why do you call it fake news?