055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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The cost of ~1 billion pounds for the Daring includes R&D costs. At then currency exchange rates, that's about $1.6 billion. I have not located unit costs for this ship. Given that it's a 6-unit build, the R&D costs will certainly occupy a large percentage of this figure. The costs given for the KDX-3 are unit costs, not project costs (project cost being unit cost + R&D per capita). Also, it is very important to note that the KDX-3 literally uses no new technology, and this is a frequently given reason as to why it's cheaper compared to other ships. All systems were bought from other countries or were already present on the KDX-2 class. Similarly for the Kongo; I think the only new system for the Kongo was the ECM. I certainly don't deny that there is a country of origin discount, and as large shipbuilders Korea and China would accrue savings from both efficiency and scale, and in the case of China, labor as well. But we should definitely not forget that besides the weapons systems, almost all (if not ALL) of the electronics on the 055 are literally brand new. If as I suspect the AESA on the 055 has separated the volume search and fire control functions, it definitely is a new variant of 346 or even new radar altogether. On top of that is the integration of sensors into the hull and mast, which as I mentioned has quadrupled the costs for several of the sensors/emitters. The electronics make up the lion's share of a warship's cost, which is why $923 million for a 055 seems low to me. If this number is the unit cost not including R&D costs, it would be somewhat more within the realm of possibility IMO.

Yes, I can appreciate the Daring's cost includes R&D spread across only six hulls, and that's why I also listed the Hobart class which fields all existing systems (therefore R&D costs being substantially lower) yet costs a significant amount despite only being a 7000 ton ship (I think the latest audit says $9 billion for three ships)
Then, looking at costs of recent Flight IIA Burkes (using all mature systems) they tend to cost in the ballpark of $1.4-1.5 billion, and looking at the difference in costs between a Flight IIA Burke, a Hobart and a Sejong, despite their wide range of size and different capability yet having similar sensors and subsystems (all mature variants of one another or mature systems of the same kind), the fact that the costs can vary so much indicates to me that there are significant factors which can accrue savings and/or cause extenuating costs.

How this applies for the 055's supposed cost, imo, is that looking at the range of costs of those destroyers and the range of size and different capability of those destroyers, yet all fielding mature systems of the same kind, makes me 055 could have quite an even lower cost if it used all mature systems, and that it is only through adding the extra cost of new electronics and those new subsystems that takes it to the supposed $923 million mark to begin with.


Registered Member
No one will distribute salvo specifically for you to shoot it down, aside from specific cases from extreme range. But such attacks are unlikely.
64-harpoon salvo costs as much as a light frigate, after all, not even counting launch platforms risked to get these missiles in optimal firing position.

Real one will neither five you 60 seconds engagement envelope, nor will give you full ability to exploit engagement tempo(for example, exploiting missile formations) and fire control bandwidth.

p.s. realistic mass attacks involving light ASCMs generally tend to be combined, i.e. ones including both cruise missiles and HARMs.

60 seconds of engagement time is based on radar horizon x the speed of a subsonic missile.

Nothing changes that.


And the whole point of VLS is that you can fire off the entire missile load very quickly.

On the French Sylver VLS, each cell has its own individual exhaust which means it can fire 8 missiles in 10 seconds.

As per the Type-55 universal VLS standard (GJB 5860-2006), each cell also has its own exhaust.
So in 50 seconds, a Type-55 would presumably be able to launch 108 SAMs from the VLS.

And the smaller number of HARMs would be prioritised by the combat system because these missiles are much faster.

Also note that the Mark 41 VLS has a shared exhaust vent for 8cells, which presumably means a slower firing rate.


Registered Member
To be frank, I can't wait to see the rear VLS section. I cannot rule out the possibility that there could only be 32 VLS in the aft section (given how short the supposed aft VLS section is when one looks from a relatively long distance away), meaning that the 055 could only have similar amount armament to that of the Arleigh Burke Flight IIA. In this sense, the 055 could be considered "under-armed." Nevertheless, one could even argue that the Type 45 Class is under-armed. Still, if there were 48 or more VLSs in the aft VLS section, I would retract my words, especially the word "under-armed".

The Type-45 is definitely under-armed.

It still has space for another 16 VLS cells, but this was never purchased.


If this number is the unit cost not including R&D costs, it would be somewhat more within the realm of possibility IMO.

That's always been the case with costs given by pop3. PLAN sorts out R&D with the research institutes separately. The sum paid to the shipyard and subsystem manufacturers is the figure pop3 gives. The sums paid to the institutes for the different projects are unknown.

Well if pop3 said it, it certainly has much greater weight. OTOH it doesn't mean his involvement meant that he had access to the actual overall costs of the program. The other thing is we don't know the standards that each navy has wrt various things like armoring, damage control, redundancy, mil standards, and various other little details that could jack up the unit costs of a ship.

It's not just his involvement in programs that allow him to come by facts inaccessible by us. He also has contacts, colleagues, and friends in the PLAN who tell him stuff after his retirement. For example, his recent recant of the 075 prediction was due to his asking his contacts on what happened back in March when PLAN CO visited HDZH. When the visit had just occurred, he decided not to ask immediately because that'd be blatantly phishing for information, so he waited 3 months. And after asking, his contact told him 075 hasn't commenced.

But how do you know outside USN the 055 is a destroyer and not a cruiser (I mean besides China)? I'm pretty sure that outside JMSDF circles the Hyuga/Izumo class "helicopter-carrying destroyer" is a helicopter carrier, because that's what it is regardless of what Japan calls it. Actually I think inside JMSDF circles it's also a helicopter carrier because I'm confident there are realists in that organization.

I only pay thorough attention to two navies on Earth; the USN and PLAN. I don't know how other navies will classify the 055 if they were magically given the 055 to employ. Maybe the Russians will call it a frigate if they had a 055 to play with, idk.

In any case, I don't give any credence to any alleged "fleet command" capabilities of ships like the 051 or 052. We are probably talking about a room with a table and some extra phones vs a CIC with dedicated C&C and communications consoles. The 055 represents a fleet command capability unmatched by and uncomparable to any previous ship classes on both quantitative and qualitative levels.

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. The PLAN fleet-command vessels are given a dedicated room with at least 20 metres squared and C&C consoles separate to the normal CIC. The Type 051 DDG 134 Zunyi wasn't initially built with fleet-command capabilities in 1985; it was modified extensively in 2004 and retrofitted with communications and encryption equipment to serve its command role. The reason the PLAN chose Zunyi for C&C testing is because the Type 051s were plentiful and they knew the design extremely intimately and could best predict the effects that installing a command room would have on the rest of the ship. The 052Ds also have this capability but the 055s have better systems integration and a larger room so, like I said, it's an improvement for the PLAN destroyer fleet but not an introduction. And no, the Liaoning has better fleet-command capabilities due to the sheer number of command consoles she carries; something like ten times more than the next most vessel.

This doesn't make sense because 12k is widely believed to be the full displacement of the 055, not the "normal" displacement. And 4k is widely believed to be the full displacement of the 054A, not the "normal" displacement. So in order for his scheme to be accurate you have to believe that he quoted standard/full/standard/full displacement figures for the 056/054A/052D/055.

I can't find the original post by pop3 on CJDBY but he did say that before he quit CJDBY (separate story), he had made numerous posts there on the 055's being 12k tonnes. Usually, he gives normal displacement; not full or standard. So, going by that assumption, 12k tonnes is normal displacement, not full... which implies full displacement could go up to 13-14k tonnes.

Additionally, I was mistaken and these "1k tonne-class, 4k tonne-class, etc" classifications were given by the Chinese MOD, not pop3. His
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on these classifications were as follows:
  • 1k tonne-class: tends to understate
  • 4k tonne-class: tends to overstate
  • 6k tonne-class: about right
  • 10k tonne-class: tends to understate
I'm sure you can tell which types of ships those weight classes refer to, and they match up well with what we think are the displacements of those respective ships.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
60 seconds of engagement time is based on radar horizon x the speed of a subsonic missile.

Nothing changes that.


And the whole point of VLS is that you can fire off the entire missile load very quickly.

On the French Sylver VLS, each cell has its own individual exhaust which means it can fire 8 missiles in 10 seconds.

As per the Type-55 universal VLS standard (GJB 5860-2006), each cell also has its own exhaust.
So in 50 seconds, a Type-55 would presumably be able to launch 108 SAMs from the VLS.

And the smaller number of HARMs would be prioritised by the combat system because these missiles are much faster.

Also note that the Mark 41 VLS has a shared exhaust vent for 8cells, which presumably means a slower firing rate.
Good but Mk-41 Rate of Fire: 1 missile per second.
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the best with 3K96 Redut/Polyment same after Sylver etc... for all VLS 20 - 60 miss/sec remains theoric in addition necessary to consider the difficulty to reload such system which is a big problem.
But sensors can' t engage this number of targets.

Launcher with arms in general 4 -12 miss/mn the best MK-26


Junior Member
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just saw this in Weibo, make sense?


I translated all the annotations for antennae.



Junior Member
Really wonder about the size of the ECM-antenna, if it truly is one (and not, as suggested, a meter-wave radar).

Do we know any instances where an ECM-antenna is so large? Also, they seem to have forgotten the two smaller arrays arranged right above it on the "balcony" - those really look like ECM arrays.

If this is indeed an ECM array, it must be truly a powerful one, capable of frying the seekers and electronics of incoming missiles.
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