what more fundamental new capability can a bigger ship with more VLS brings? it would prob be same type of electronics.
The bigger Tico was stopped while us navy choose to continue build the supposilly lower-end burke well into future.
..........I rather see a more capable 054 design then a bigger 055.
A bigger ship would be able to provide more power for its systems, that capability is an important factor.
Although if one looks at the AB IIA and future IIIs, their displacements match or would surpass the Ticos so not sure if the USN chose ABs over Ticos because they didn't need as many larger vessels or if they simply decided they will have different variations of one class instead of two classes.
A more capable 054 replacement design would probably end up with a larger displacement as well. I like to see that design sport some AESA type sensors. At that point, I wonder if the CN will just call them light destroyers instead.
Speaking of AESA, I wonder how small can the system be scaled down and still be considered useful? It be interesting if even type 056s could usefully field them. But I'm guessing there is a minimal threshold for them to be effective.