054B/new generation frigate


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There is something I'm trying to understand.
054A: 4000 ton
054B: 6000 ton

The 054B got a nice AESA radar, but they both got the same weapon, 32 VLS and 8x slanted launcher for antiship missiles.
What 054B got more over 054A to get that 50% tonnage increase?
I don't understand. Can someone clarify?


Registered Member
There is something I'm trying to understand.
054A: 4000 ton
054B: 6000 ton

The 054B got a nice AESA radar, but they both got the same weapon, 32 VLS and 8x slanted launcher for antiship missiles.
What 054B got more over 054A to get that 50% tonnage increase?
I don't understand. Can someone clarify?
Still holding out for UVLS amidships. Recent photos of 075 at HP Shanghai have a large blue crane 'artfully' blocking the view of the midships of the 054B moored nearby. Coincidence? Maybe not.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There is something I'm trying to understand.
054A: 4000 ton
054B: 6000 ton

The 054B got a nice AESA radar, but they both got the same weapon, 32 VLS and 8x slanted launcher for antiship missiles.
What 054B got more over 054A to get that 50% tonnage increase?
I don't understand. Can someone clarify?

Improvements to the powerplant and propulsion systems would be my guess. Those are not small or lightweight components.


Junior Member
Registered Member
There is something I'm trying to understand.
054A: 4000 ton
054B: 6000 ton

The 054B got a nice AESA radar, but they both got the same weapon, 32 VLS and 8x slanted launcher for antiship missiles.
What 054B got more over 054A to get that 50% tonnage increase?
I don't understand. Can someone clarify?
Although they are both 32VLS, the differences in fire control radars lead to great differences in the anti-aircraft missiles used.
The old version 054A equipped with MR90 uses 40km HQ-16,
The latest AESA-equipped 054A uses the 70km HQ-16C,
The 054b, which is not equipped with similar fire control radar, may use the 160km HQ-16F.