Isn't that the air launched weapon? what are its improvements over the base YJ-83? IMO subsonic non-stealthy anti-ship missiles would only score hits on enemy warships due to saturation attacks, they are relatively easy to detect and shoot down compared to LRASM etc
The newest version of YJ-83 feature both a radar guidance and a thermal optic seeker, which can be used to strike targets in littoral waters where shallow waters can affect radar returns due to rocks and a shallow sea bed, or it can be used to strike land targets, such as ground or truck based launchers of antiship missiles, SAM missile complexes, shore located radars and so on. This can be helpful in a Taiwan scenario, or let's say Japan installing antiship missiles launchers in Ryukus Islands, or deal with littoral combat ships or fast attack craft, which Taiwan has a number of. Or let's say some faction decides to fire antiship missiles from the shore against Chinese or bound for China shipping, or threaten to cut sea lanes off with small but fast attack craft with antiship missiles.
I think more than anti submarine, the PLAN itself is increasingly acting like a mini US Navy, projecting power and defending sea lanes and trade routes for Chinese shipping. Why do they send missions to the Indian Ocean and the coast of Africa and the Middle East? Each of these missions involve two frigates.
The dual seeker YJ-83 is also used with Type 056A corvettes. In fact you may find many pictures of them being launched with these ships.