054/A FFG Thread II


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Best weapon for hunting submarines is bow mounted sonar, a towed sonar and most formidable weapon a anti submarine helicopter

Yes variable depth sonar is also good

But PLAN needs plenty of experience in submarine hunting it's a fine fine art to master

I would like to see PLAN excercise more with its submarine and surface fleets in deep water far from home shores

Do a cat and mouse training mission between the surface fleet and the sub surface fleet to sharpen the skills of both party's

Submarine commander needs to know the terrain and under water features where they can hide and take cover

Surface fleet need to know what they are looking for sometimes even a large cluster of fish in the oceans have signals that can make it look like there is a submarine down there that is not a uncommon occurrence

I would imagine VDS should be more effective in deep sea than TAS, since you can lower it to different depth.


VIP Professional
As far as i can tell, towed array sonar is generally a receiver, or a passive sonar. Variable depth sonar is generally an active source and it usually operates alongside a TAS or it has a towed passive line on its own body.


Lieutenant General
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Some nice photos of missile firings.

054A really is an attractive looking warship





asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
The Type 054A series is a fine production run of a FFG which is very capable

It's got the full package in attack and defence and also for quick insertion

It's questionable how good it would be at area defence at long range for example if tasked to defend a specific landmark or target having said that it's will be a great escort FFG for the carriers so I would guess its ability to defend itself and others so pretty good

Also it can do anti submarine sweeps a all round and all wether FFG

Type 052B I would add 48 cells with more stealth features plus a electric propulsion system


Lieutenant General
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A nice shot of two 054As alongside an 056 (HP?)

The first two pictures show the two 054As, with cut outs at the rear for VDS. I think one of them is the recently launched one with Type 1130 that we've been following. The other one looks like it didn't have a hole for VDS originally but it was cut out? I could be remembering incorrectly though, I gave up on following progress for all 054As. Either way, it looks like PLAN have found a VDS they are happy with to add fleet wide to complement their TAS. TAS, VDS, and bow sonar looks like it will be standard for all new destroyers, frigates, and potentially corvettes.

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The images, published on the cjdby.net website, show a large aperture cut out of the transom and installation of mechanical handling gear on Type 054A hulls 19 & 20 (Pennant number 576, Huangshi and 577, Huanggang ). Huanggang was launched in July and the large aperture has been cut since then. Two much smaller apertures have also been cut, most likely for the deployment of a towed array and a towed decoy


Lieutenant General
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Via GT, a pretty high res picture of an 054A hot launch

Very USN style of photo heh
