052C/052D Class Destroyers


Senior Member
Satellite image (from 04/2014) showing 052D and 052C side by side.

Do they share the same hull ?



Junior Member
Well, with the recent pictures posted............now prove, assuming members have assessed correctly...........that D6 was launched recently, and in fact was apparently launched at JN shipyard on the 30/12/14 (date of the launching ceremony). The latest gap between 052D launchings is now down to a very impressive gap of just 4 months!


Lieutenant General
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Well, with the recent pictures posted............now prove, assuming members have assessed correctly...........that D6 was launched recently, and in fact was apparently launched at JN shipyard on the 30/12/14 (date of the launching ceremony). The latest gap between 052D launchings is now down to a very impressive gap of just 4 months!

Yep, I have a feeling JN will be able to easily finish launching all their contracted 8 052Ds before 2015 is finished.

Now the question is whether they're going to wait for all 052Ds to be launched before starting module assembly of 055 in 052D's current building hall, or if they'll start assembly in the other building hall. And the question that will lead on is whether they will end up eventually using both building halls for 055 construction. If yes, then in a few years we may see 055s launch at a rate as fast or even faster than 052Ds, assuming they mass produce 055s.
It's probably a bit much to hope that JN will launch the first 055 hull before they finish launching their last 052D hull, unfortunately.