052C/052D Class Destroyers


I don't think this has been posted yet. A rare picture (from a relatively uninteresting set) showing an 052D's VDS panel half raised, and we can see some of the lowering/recovery mechanism protruding out.


I think it is worth keeping in mind just how much of an improvement it will be, to have virtually all the PLAN's new build surface combatants equipped with bow sonar, TAS, and VDS.

Most of the 056s starting from hull number 16, the last four 054As starting from hull number 19, and all 052Ds, are equipped or are almost definitely going to be equipped with a combination of bow sonar+TAS+VDS. Even if we don't know how capable the sonars are, having a full suite of all three types is definitely impressive and usually only seen among the most modern and more ASW specialized surface combatants in the world, and even more impressive when it is stratified among all the current production DDG, FFG, and corvette classes of a large navy.
We can expect 055 and 054B/next generation frigate to also both feature similarly comprehensive ASW sonar suites, and I would hope that all 056 production in the near future shifts to the so called 056A version equipped with VDS and TAS.

Certainly, if we're only counting ships that are expected and confirmed to be built in the near future with this triple threat ASW suite, we're looking at 6 x 056As, 4 x 054A+s, and 12 052Ds. Definitely not shabby at all, and I think this is an area where the PLAN are quietly moving to improve their surface combatant ASW capability. the other major element is ASW helicopters, and that is where Z-18FQ and the expected "Z-20FQ" will come into play. Once all these elements are brought together and the PLAN get to play with them for a few years, I think we will see quite a dramatic improvement in ASW capability, not dissimilar to how the initially small scale introduction of MRAAMs and AEWC for the PLAAF in the mid 2000s has led to a normalised BVR capability for the air fleet and vastly improved AEW+C4ISR capability we see today.

(Disclaimer, this may not be the VDS panel and might be one of the side panels near the aft... regardless, my preceding post/rant is still valid :p)

Good points. I must add that a relatively large fleet of fixed-wing ASW aircraft would also be necessary in the overall ASW capability. Y-9 High-New will hopefully fulfill this role.


Lieutenant General
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Yes, although I was mostly only talking about the ASW systems installed on or associated with the PLANs surface combatants, so I left fixed wing MPA/ASW out of the picture. But absolutely they are a necessity

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I don't think this has been posted yet. A rare picture (from a relatively uninteresting set) showing an 052D's VDS panel half raised, and we can see some of the lowering/recovery mechanism protruding out.

I think it is worth keeping in mind just how much of an improvement it will be, to have virtually all the PLAN's new build surface combatants equipped with bow sonar, TAS, and VDS.

Most of the 056s starting from hull number 16, the last four 054As starting from hull number 19, and all 052Ds, are equipped or are almost definitely going to be equipped with a combination of bow sonar+TAS+VDS. Even if we don't know how capable the sonars are, having a full suite of all three types is definitely impressive and usually only seen among the most modern and more ASW specialized surface combatants in the world, and even more impressive when it is stratified among all the current production DDG, FFG, and corvette classes of a large navy.
We can expect 055 and 054B/next generation frigate to also both feature similarly comprehensive ASW sonar suites, and I would hope that all 056 production in the near future shifts to the so called 056A version equipped with VDS and TAS.
(Disclaimer, this may not be the VDS panel and might be one of the side panels near the aft... regardless, my preceding post/rant is still valid :p)

Bow sonar, TAS, variable depth sonar and dipping sonars from naval helicopters are all great assets to have and will change the dynamics of a engagement between a surface combatant and submarine but since China is still a new player in this area it will take years for them to master the fine art of ASW

For example when using a VDS you go through so many different phases of salinity and temperature each one can give readings which may indicate a submarine is there even dolphins give data and the oceans are actually pretty noisy places and therefore the operators have to be very well trained and experience to operate each piece of equipment it's like looking for a needle in a haystack

I am not saying the Chinese are not trained in this area but certainly it will be a while before they become fully proficient in this area of warfare

I hope PLAN does some serious submarine and warship excercise with these new units to polish their skills in this field