I wouldn't say "definitely" no. If the VLS designers were forward thinking and made the VLS slightly taller than is enough to barely fit the HQ-16 for the purpose of making room for future upgrades (e.g. for a strap-on booster or a longer missile), then the HQ-9 may be able to fit inside. The bore of the HQ-16 VLS is actually very similar to that of the Mk 41 based on my own photographic comparisons and should be able to fit the HQ-9, borewise at least. For reference each Mk41 cell has a bore of 25in/635mm on each side, allowing a maximum (folded) wingspan of 914mm or less (635*1.44). The HQ-9's fins would probably have to be modified to fold while packed, but that would hardly be a major redesign. The other concern is whether the exhaust system can handle the much greater thrust of the HQ-9, which is definitely not a guarantee. Unless, again, the designers were forward-thinking, had additional future capabilities in mind, and designed them into the current system.