052/052B Class Destroyers


New Member
Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

That is Falkland, isn't it?

Nope.It's tierra del fuego.Magellan straits are between it and continental south america
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

=GT posted this @ CDF titled 'Passing through Strait of Magellan'
Absolutely GREAT pictures. The PLAN is getting out there, world-wide and has the vessels now to do so.

They are a long ways from home, but handling themselves and their vessel very well.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think this picture highlights how the Chinese approach to naval expansion more closely mirror those of Imperial Germany under Admiral Tirpitz during the 1890-1900s than to that of either the Soviet Union under admiral Goshkov or Japan during later Meiji years.

Right from the beginning they are following the lead of the established primier naval power in fleet composition. No Jeune École for them. Nor is the navy being asked to immediately undertake power projections like the IJN in the 1880s, only sending only small floatillats to show the flag around the globe and establish displomatic channels. Instead, the main task of the fleet remains deterrence of foreign intervention from the seaward side of homeland as a potent fleet in being, not necessarily strong enough to ensure defeat the world's premier power, but strong enough such that it would be a dicy proposition that would seriously jepardize the other vital commitments of the world's leading naval power to fight it as part of a larger conflict.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Which replenishmnet tanker is escorting these two ships?

Now that they have two more Type 903A they can afford go further for longer


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think this picture highlights how the Chinese approach to naval expansion more closely mirror those of Imperial Germany under Admiral Tirpitz during the 1890-1900s than to that of either the Soviet Union under admiral Goshkov or Japan during later Meiji years.

Right from the beginning they are following the lead of the established primier naval power in fleet composition. No Jeune École for them. Nor is the navy being asked to immediately undertake power projections like the IJN in the 1880s, only sending only small floatillats to show the flag around the globe and establish displomatic channels. Instead, the main task of the fleet remains deterrence of foreign intervention from the seaward side of homeland as a potent fleet in being, not necessarily strong enough to ensure defeat the world's premier power, but strong enough such that it would be a dicy proposition that would seriously jepardize the other vital commitments of the world's leading naval power to fight it as part of a larger conflict.
Young man, I hope you are not on the wrong side of the history.


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Has the PLAN undertaken a circumnavigation yet? Now that they've sent warships to the Atlantic by both easterly and westerly direction, they are a stone's throw from closing the loop and completing a circumnavigation. I believed the Qin dynasty in its final years did send a Chinese flotilla around the world.

China made its first circumnavigation in 2002 with the Type-052 destroyer Qingdao (113) and the supply ship Taicang (881). During the final years of the Qing dynasty, China was in total disarray and a semi-colony of Western Imperialist powers. The Qin dynasty was more than 2000 years ago...


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Qing dynasty may not be remembered fondly in china today, nonetheless, it did manage to sent 3 steam warships on a successful circumnavigation around 1908, visiting, amongst other places, the home port of the British channel fleet at Portsmouth. The event is remembered in Portsmouth, if not in china.
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Qing dynasty may not be remembered fondly in china today, nonetheless, it did manage to sent 3 steam warships on a successful circumnavigation around 1908, visiting, amongst other places, the home port of the British channel fleet at Portsmouth. The event is remembered in Portsmouth, if not in china.

Any source for this claim? 1908 was just 3 years before the end of the dynasty. 13 years after the Japanese annihilated the modernised Beiyang fleet. It is also the year Empress-Dowager Cixi died. It seems highly improbable that the imperial court would have the leisure or the resources to send 3 steam warships out on a "tour du monde".

Also, where did you get the idea that the Qing dynasty is not remembered fondly today? Do you know how many Qing period-piece TV-series have been produced? Probably more than all other dynasties combined.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

You can visit the museum in Portsmouth dockyard to see the photographs and read the explanatory text.