052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great Pics Fark and thanks for posting them!


That's a pretty chubby "marine"...lol looks like me 15 years ago.:p;)

I supposed PLA has very strict recruiting rules and there should be no fat soldiers!


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great Pics Fark and thanks for posting them!


That's a pretty chubby "marine"...lol looks like me 15 years ago.:p;)

Remind me of myself when I went to the army... When I first step in... I weigh at 78kg and standing at 1.83m. When I left the army after 2.5 years... I weigh a whooping 96kg... And I believe I looked exactly like that Marine :D


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I supposed PLA has very strict recruiting rules and there should be no fat soldiers!

Good life on board I supposed. But I tot "chubby" type soldiers makes them good shooter with their rifles (I mean their weapons)!

But we may not know him and I supposed he is those "never-say-never" type which makes him a good soldier in his corps!

I still remember one of the army mates from other rifle coy who used to be a mortarman carry the 120mm tube and could get gold for physical fitness test :)


Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I don't imagine there is an abundance of space for exercising, especially on an old ship like 113 (you can tell from the twin barrelled main gun). A common problem with many ultra fit people when they stop exercising, or cut back significantly is sudden and big weight gain, because their bodies are still rigged for huge calorie expenditure each day, so their appetites stay the same, but if they are not exercising as much as they are used to, all those calories not expended build up fast as fat.

I suppose that is one of the less sexy, but nevertheless important lessons the PLAN and their shipbuilders are learning as they shift from brown and green water operations to true blue water practices.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

People can have chubby faces without being unfit. This guy's bulk is probably being enlarged by a flak jacket as well.
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Remind me of myself when I went to the army... When I first step in... I weigh at 78kg and standing at 1.83m. When I left the army after 2.5 years... I weigh a whooping 96kg... And I believe I looked exactly like that Marine :D

Dude should've joined the Army instead of the Marines. ;)



Tyrant King
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Traditionally the military only carries too sizes two big and too small.
that said I suppose this guy could be a sailor they tend to have looser weight regs.


Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Traditionally the military only carries too sizes two big and too small.
that said I suppose this guy could be a sailor they tend to have looser weight regs.

Naw...the dude is just chubby, check out his chubby fingers, they're like sausages wrapping around that QBZ 95 or 97 weapon.:p


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

There is some black soot or paint on the bow of these two ships? Is it a simulated attack?

I think that's shadow cast by the smoke from the stacks of the ship the photographer is standing on. You can see shadows from the mast of the same ship further forward, and more smoke over the bridge of the 054A