052/052B Class Destroyers


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Good to see but as expected, that's three Type 052D in the water I expect the 4th one by years end and the current empty hall to start building D5 and then D6 by next year

I think we have already seem the modules for D5 and D6, thats two launches a year, one every six months, I count 8 Type 052D launched by 2015 that's in addition to the six Type 052C

Total DDG tally would be 14 units

Or you may see construction of Type 055A start at Jiangnan, while 052D construction is passed on to Dalian.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

So Type 052D will be able to launch land attack cruise missiles?

If the CJB standard for common VLS system is true, and the 052D does equipped with such VLS system, AND hot/cold-launch module for CJ-10 has been certified, then the answer will be yes.

But until there's a "leak" photo or footage of such VLS system successfully test-launch a cruise missile (remember, now PLAN has dedicated ships for weapons and equipment testing), we simply still in the dark on this one.


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Let's remember how lon it took for pics of HQ-9 and HQ-16 launches to emerge, and remember that we barely had any photos of them being fired from the test ships of the time.

So we'll probably only get confirmation many years after it happens, if that.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Or you may see construction of Type 055A start at Jiangnan, while 052D construction is passed on to Dalian.

would they really do that though, they already made the shift for the expo and it doesnt and wouldnt make sense to make another shift, surely they would have known Type 055 was on the agenda back then and would have established the production at Dalian in the first place, rather than this shifting business, whch effects production, costs money and would not be very practical, there was a good reason to do it in 2010 but not now when all the infrastructure is in place

Type 052D production might run till 2015 by which time 8 units will have been delivered, add to that 6 Type 052C and thats 3 Flotillas, it might end there, each fleet has 1 frontline DDG Flotilla and a second line older DDG Flotilla, after this construction can start on Type 055 at JN


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

A switch to 055 production may only require minimal time and effort to retool. I imagine switching to this new shipyard would have yielded many benefits, including the ease of switching production from one ship to another.

Besides we've seen advanced FFGs built at a variety of shipyards in china, eventually we are going to see more than one shipyard with the capability of building advanced DDGs.
And at the very least I think JNCX would definitely be the first (or even only) choice to try and build a larger cruiser type ship, which, combined with the PLANs possible demand for continued 052D production and a set time for CG introduction into the fleet, makes a switch of 052D production less a choice than a necessity

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

A switch to 055 production may only require minimal time and effort to retool. I imagine switching to this new shipyard would have yielded many benefits, including the ease of switching production from one ship to another.

Besides we've seen advanced FFGs built at a variety of shipyards in china, eventually we are going to see more than one shipyard with the capability of building advanced DDGs.
And at the very least I think JNCX would definitely be the first (or even only) choice to try and build a larger cruiser type ship, which, combined with the PLANs possible demand for continued 052D production and a set time for CG introduction into the fleet, makes a switch of 052D production less a choice than a necessity

Other shipyards can build DDG but the logistical infrastructure required to do so is not feasible

To build DDG is a very big task, smaller vessals is not such a issue the expertises and facility's required is big, JNCX is equipped to build them and therefore I would think they would do so for a very lone time to come

And there's no reason why JN can't build a DDG and CG both at the same time, if mean they are launching two DDG every six months as time moves on unit cost come down and the process gets faster, I don't see why they couldn't launch one DDG and one CG each year

Now if China wants to establish say a another yard to start building a DDG, say even if they work half speed of JN and launch one in a whole year then that would mean same timespan as before, meaning two DDG and one CG each year, yeah that would work well, I don't think China would be launching two CG each year I don't think the requirement is that high

So I would guess JN keeps building DDG adds in a CG and maybe another yard will slip in a DDG in a year to make up for the numbers, maybe even they could they could even still manage two DDG and one CG from JNCX but I doubt it

So they could launch a CG, two DDG, three FFG and 8 Corvettes in a year from thief respective shipyards


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I agree that JNCX could probably be capable of launching a CG and DDG per year, but there's no reason that another shipyard can't also simultaneously have a DDG line going.

There obviously is a difference between building a FFG and DDG, which is why I'm not expecting HD or HP to start pumping out 052Ds. Dalian on the other hand, has built 051C somewhat recently (of course we'd expect more advanced construction as necessary for 052D, but I doubt their DDG building capability has remained static since the early 2000s.

It appears that your argument revolving around JNCX only being capable of building 052D is that "only it is equipped" to do so, which is obviously a bold claim and I don't think it's based on any observable evidence.

And the persistent rumours of a second 052D line in DL hasn't died yet, so we'll see, yeah?

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I would say not to "shifting the production line" but yes to another one starting to build DDG

The original statments made referred to switching the entire production which I think is very unlikely but running a another line in parallel is certainly a possibility

Dalian building Type 052D?? Until we get evidence it's really just a rumour right, I don't think we will see pictures until we get close to the Type 055 construction, which by all accounts might not be this year or maybe next

And when I said JNCX is equipped to build Type 052D certainly it does not mean it is the "only" shipyard, it means they have a world class facility in place which they would not cease to use, meaning JN will keep building DDGs but possibility is there for others

Infact giving another DDG contract to another shipyard will certainly enhance the shipbuilding in China and would give many advantages, it would spread out the work load


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Oh I see what you mean.

I think by "shifting production line" franco didn't literally mean "move JNCX's 052D building tools to DL" but rather that DL will already have the capability to build 052Ds possibly incrementally added over the last few years, while JNCX retools one 052D production line or both, for 055 production.

Obviously no one's claiming DL is building 052D right now, but multiple different production forecasts of late do seem to predict DL starting to pump out 052Ds around the time JNCX starts 055s...

Personally I imagine JNCX will continue to have an 052D production line open alongside 055, but I also expect DL to open an 052D line soon.