052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The Next Generation Destroyer of China, Type-055

From Huanqiu.com


This isn't your average everyday idiotic, this is advanced idiotic. I wonder who is dumb enough to put the DDG1000 in the place of the 055.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The Next Generation Destroyer of China, Type-055

From Huanqiu.com

Well, the Japanese are building the Akizuuki class right now, just having commissioned their second one.

The PLAN Type 055 is still being talked about. I do not believe any have even started construction. They are just building the Type 052D of which two have been launched but none commissioned.

When and if the PLAN builds a Type 055, I am willing to bet it will look nothing like the picture shown here. That is (as has been stated) a picture of the Sumwalt US NAvy DDG which is really a cruiser at 14,000 tons. They just took one of the AGS gub systens off.

With he five Takanamis and the four Akizukis, to go along with their six larger AEGIS DDGs, the JMSDF has a strong force of 15 very modern and powerful destroyers. Not to mention the gour aircraft carrier-like ASW/CVL vessels they have, and the 35 or so very good FFG sized vessels they have.

The PLAN now has eight very modern and strong DDGs launched, but only 3-4 commissioned (Actually if you add in the Sovs, the Type 052Bs and the Type 051Cs, they have a totla of 16 of which 11-12 are commissioned). They also have the 20 Type 054(A) FFGs, of which I believe something like a total of 16 or 17 are commissioned to date.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The Next Generation Destroyer of China, Type-055

From Huanqiu.com

Well, the Japanese are building the Akizuuki class right now, just having commissioned their second one.

The PLAN Type 055 is still being talked about. I do not believe any have even started construction. They are just building the Type 052D of which two have been launched but none commissioned.

When and if the PLAN builds a Type 055, I am willing to bet it will look nothing like the picture shown here. That is (as has been stated) a picture of the Zumwalt US Navy DDG which is really a cruiser at 14,000 tons. They just took one of the AGS gun systems off.

With he 5 Takanamis and the 4 Akizukis, to go along with their 6 larger AEGIS DDGs, the JMSDF has a strong force of 15 very modern and powerful destroyers. Not to mention the four aircraft carrier-like ASW/CVL vessels they have, and the 35 or so very good FFG sized vessels they have.

The PLAN now has 8 very modern and strong DDGs launched, but only 3-4 commissioned (Actually if you add in the Sovs, the Type 052Bs and the Type 051Cs, they have a total of 16 of which 11-12 are commissioned). They also have the 20 Type 054(A) FFGs, of which I believe something like a total of 16 or 17 are commissioned to date.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It's interesting to note that on information dissemination a week or so ago galrahn was talking about what a new generation USN surface combatant would look like -- that is to say, not zumwalt, and not a burke III, but a real new hull ship built with AMDR and provisions for future weapons in mind.

And I think it was mentioned that 12k tons would be an optimum displacement for such a ship... which is how much 055 supposedly displaces too. Let's wait and see. We'll know in two years just what kind of ship 055 ends up.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

This isn't your average everyday idiotic, this is advanced idiotic. I wonder who is dumb enough to put the DDG1000 in the place of the 055.

It's so unfortunate that acts of idiocy isn't capital offense...

But in terms of technology the Japanese is still ahead for the foreseeable future.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

This isn't your average everyday idiotic, this is advanced idiotic. I wonder who is dumb enough to put the DDG1000 in the place of the 055.

I wonder who is dumb enough to believe the zumwalt derived drawing on that chart is what they actually believe 055 to look like and not instead just a token place holder drawing of "future surface combatant" considering we have no idea what 055 will look like apart from the assumption that it will be future-y.



re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I wonder who is dumb enough to believe the zumwalt derived drawing on that chart is what they actually believe 055 to look like and not instead just a token place holder drawing of "future surface combatant" considering we have no idea what 055 will look like apart from the assumption that it will be future-y.


If I'm a guessing man 055 will look fairly 'conventional'. It will not look anything like the DDG1000 nor will it have a tumblehome hull. At best it will have a semi recessed turret for stealth from a 'futureristic' standpoint. No AGS, no rail gun, now laser CIWS or anything like that.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

You know the Type 052C/D is a great DDG but it's deck size is terrible, infact atrocious, probably one of the smallest decks for a DDG of that size

The deck must be less than 20 metres in length, it would be hell of a tight squeeze to land a Z8 on that helipad even if it's possible

I don't know what Chinese designers were thinking when they built the decks of the Type 071 LPD, which is way too long and narrow which means it can't take 4 helos simultaneously and now this Type 052C/D which is wide but too short!

Deck of any ship is a important part, for many reason it's a huge advantage to have a reasonable sized deck, there can be a emergency at any time and cross decking becomes a priority, this can't be done if the deck is unable to accommodate certain airframes

What's even more surprising is that the newer Type 052D seems to have a deck similar to Type 052C, they should have certainly increased the size of the deck over the Type 052C

I just hope the bigger brother cruiser Type 055, has a double hanger and one that is larger and wider


New Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

You know the Type 052C/D is a great DDG but it's deck size is terrible, infact atrocious, probably one of the smallest decks for a DDG of that size

The deck must be less than 20 metres in length, it would be hell of a tight squeeze to land a Z8 on that helipad even if it's possible

I don't know what Chinese designers were thinking when they built the decks of the Type 071 LPD, which is way too long and narrow which means it can't take 4 helos simultaneously and now this Type 052C/D which is wide but too short!

Deck of any ship is a important part, for many reason it's a huge advantage to have a reasonable sized deck, there can be a emergency at any time and cross decking becomes a priority, this can't be done if the deck is unable to accommodate certain airframes

What's even more surprising is that the newer Type 052D seems to have a deck similar to Type 052C, they should have certainly increased the size of the deck over the Type 052C

I just hope the bigger brother cruiser Type 055, has a double hanger and one that is larger and wider

That's not true. The deck size of 052D/C is actually pretty good. It has larger deck size than Arleigh Burk. Just use GE to do the measurement. Flight deck of 052D/C is roughly a rectangular shape of 20mX17.5m. Alreigh Burk is a trapezoid shape of h=21m size= 12.5m and 17m. Just do the math. 052D flight deck is actually larger in area.