re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
I have not read or seen on NB, CBS, Fox, ABC, CNN, or BBC any articles or indications about China "failing" soon. To the contrary, most articles are about their rapid rise in terms of technology, manufacturing, trade, finance, etc.
Those news site...and many, many more that are lesser known, may have a normal, journalistic what we call "liberal" bias, but they are all free, open press. Thye are, even with their problems and I admit they have some, still the most free and factual reporting in the world and most feree of bias than any state owned and run press in any country in the world, precisely because they are free and not dependant on or force to toe the state libne because the "State" )pick a totalitarian or one-party country) owns them.
Anyhow, I think most of them are reporting the very things you say, that China's exports are up over just about every other nation in the world.
My ppint is again, that those numbers do not necessarily tell the technological expertise story. Give them more years...and particularly if the money coming in is applied freely to the research and development by a free market where new ideas are king, as opposed to what R&D is directed by the state alone...and they (China) will rapidly rise in their technological abilities. Heck, they already are. In military matters if you watch this like I do, over the last ten years what used to be a 30 year gap has narrowed significanlty in most areas and gained parity in others.
You just believe what you want to believe. Your source, like CNN or BBC or other biase providers, had said many times that China would have been falling many years ago. Check your fact first-China, in term of dollars, exported much more softwares than India.
I have not read or seen on NB, CBS, Fox, ABC, CNN, or BBC any articles or indications about China "failing" soon. To the contrary, most articles are about their rapid rise in terms of technology, manufacturing, trade, finance, etc.
Those news site...and many, many more that are lesser known, may have a normal, journalistic what we call "liberal" bias, but they are all free, open press. Thye are, even with their problems and I admit they have some, still the most free and factual reporting in the world and most feree of bias than any state owned and run press in any country in the world, precisely because they are free and not dependant on or force to toe the state libne because the "State" )pick a totalitarian or one-party country) owns them.
Anyhow, I think most of them are reporting the very things you say, that China's exports are up over just about every other nation in the world.
My ppint is again, that those numbers do not necessarily tell the technological expertise story. Give them more years...and particularly if the money coming in is applied freely to the research and development by a free market where new ideas are king, as opposed to what R&D is directed by the state alone...and they (China) will rapidly rise in their technological abilities. Heck, they already are. In military matters if you watch this like I do, over the last ten years what used to be a 30 year gap has narrowed significanlty in most areas and gained parity in others.