Re: DDG 052C Thread
Is it possible to have a combination system, or would that have too much interference?
The 052C, Ticonderoga, Kongo, and F100 ships are all still using AN/SPY-XX style phased array radar panels. The sheer size of those panels, along with whatever equipment that's behind it, is probably a restrictive factor in where you could mount it. The Japanese solution is to simply build a taller superstructure.
The European solution uses different radar and they can mount it much higher, like the Thales APAR on top of the F124, Selex EMPAR on top of Horizon, or the SAMPSON AESA radar on top of Type 45 Destroyer.
It boils down to if you want continuous coverage with 4 x large phased array panels, mounted on the superstructure, or a smaller, lighter, rotating sensor mounted on top of a tower. I read that the SAMPSON radar on the type 45 is mounted at twice the hight of US radar on US ships?
It'd be interesting which approach the PLAN takes with its future ships.
Is it possible to have a combination system, or would that have too much interference?