00X/004 future nuclear CATOBAR carrier thread


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Where is this information sourced from? I have only seem statements suggesting that PLAN aims to procure 6 carriers in total.
Six in total? Do you have any misconceptions about the world's largest industrial country?
These six CVNs are only in the early rapid construction stage, and I believe that subsequent construction will slow down rather than terminate. PLAN's great ambition is to trample the US Navy underfoot.


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Unless you are in the innermost circle of the CCP, it's not possible for you to make a bold statement like that lol.
Do we even know if or when PLAN builds thier first CVN that it be like a 1/2 offs or an actual serial production class like Nimitz or Ford?
Nobody knows at this point.
No need to join CPC, everyone can see the huge new factory building of BSIC. Is there anyone who doubts its huge production capacity?
I just saw a little more.


Registered Member
No need to join CPC, everyone can see the huge new factory building of BSIC. Is there anyone who doubts its huge production capacity?
I just saw a little more.
Does Qingdao Beihai (BSIC) has anything to do with CVN construction? Shouldn't that job goes to Dalian and Jiangnan?
Six in total? Do you have any misconceptions about the world's largest industrial country?
These six CVNs are only in the early rapid construction stage, and I believe that subsequent construction will slow down rather than terminate. PLAN's great ambition is to trample the US Navy underfoot.
Of course I was not suggesting that the PLAN will only ever build 6 carriers. I was inquiring to whether there was any confirmed sources suggesting the number 6 as the number of CVNs that will be procured, because the only time I am aware of the number 6 being mentioned by a Chinese naval officer was as the total number of carriers (conventional powered and nuclear) that will be procured in the initial carrier buildup.


Junior Member
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Of course I was not suggesting that the PLAN will only ever build 6 carriers. I was inquiring to whether there was any confirmed sources suggesting the number 6 as the number of CVNs that will be procured, because the only time I am aware of the number 6 being mentioned by a Chinese naval officer was as the total number of carriers (conventional powered and nuclear) that will be procured in the initial carrier buildup.
This number comes from the prototype reactor training facility. The facility will accommodate at least 6 reactor departments to be trained simultaneously, indicating that the construction speed of CVNs will be very astonishing.


Registered Member
Makes no sense for China to acquire CVN in the next ten years since the main theatre for PLAN is the West Pac. Conventional carriers have much higher readiness rate and can be deployed in a short period when in maintenance.

I'd say 5 years rather than 10 years.

If you look at current rates of Chinese military procurement, in 5 years, the First Island Chain and Guan should be secured (as in China can impose an indefinite air/sea blockade), no matter what the US does.

At that point, it makes sense to focus on building a fully blue-water Navy for operations in the deep Pacific Ocean. I wouldn't be surprised to see 4 nuclear carriers being built in the 2030-2035 timeframe.

I've said for years that it would be a strategic mistake for the US to ditch engagement, as it will just push China even harder to break through any economic, technological or military containment.
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Junior Member
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Since Dalian is obviously working on a CVN right now. I don't think there is anything stop Jiangnan from building a sister ship of 003 after they finish it. And if they time it right this ship would be completed maybe a couple years later than CVN-19 giving them some time
figuring out all the things they need to iron out on their CVN design. Then they can just start to build 2 CVN at the same time.

My point is we shouldn't see a CV-19 and CVN-19 as conflicting proposal. Not saying this is what's gonna happen but there is a chance they add another CV while working on CVN just like they add CV-17 while working on CATABAR.


If the 004 CVN is well into making active progress as we speak, what's the point of building yet another 003, except if it's even further into the building process which we're not seeing and is hard to hide from public?
Fujian is an interim step to use the time for knowledge gain until the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is ready.

The question is how much additional knowledge can be gained from an additional Fujian-class ship.

If there are only a few additional findings, it is better not to build another ship of this class but to use the effort for the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

At present, no one can say what value aircraft carriers will have in 20 years. Perhaps drones will already be traveling to destinations halfway around the globe by then and aircraft carriers will no longer be needed. In that case, it would have been preferable to put one's capacities into drones (not only flying drones, but also floating and diving drones).