PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Tags: China; Liaoning; aircraft carrier; deck marking; high resolution;

The picture shows the openings for weapon elevators are marked, but only for the two nearest to the island. I think this is a sign that PLAN has given up on the forward elevators.



Tags: China; Liaoning; aircraft carrier; deck marking; high resolution;

The picture shows the openings for weapon elevators are marked, but only for the two nearest to the island. I think this is a sign that PLAN has given up on the forward elevators.

I concur. I believed I actually mentioned something similar a few months and hundreds of posts ago. I think they actually sealed the forward elevator doors shut.


Junior Member
Good morning (ladies) & gentlemen...


I am sure most of you would like today's Military Analyst Programme. This is a year end review of PLAN focusing on CV-16 and its recent activities.

The guests are none other than the (comical yet subjective!) PLA National Defense Uni Prof & Rear Adr. Zhang ZhaoZhong (ZZZ) and Sen Col. Chen Hu (CH), a military magazine editor.

Host introduced the netizens and military hobbyists using the word "牛" (COW) to describe PLAN's achievement in 2013. "牛" in this case is refered to "as an exclaimation" of the achievement rather than the animal itself.

First cutscene introduces the Nov 26 of the journey achieved by CV-16 together with the small task force. Also included are the specs introduction of 054As and 051Cs.

Host asks how "牛"to ZZZ:

1) There are two great steps achieved:

a) A commission into the PLAN service,

b) After a lenghty time in the North, it proceeds to the South for more experiences and training.;

2) He adds that when CV-16 could go into Pacific Ocean for training, then it would be another marvellous achievement attained by PLAN;

3) Regarding the small task force, there are two more essential vessels that are a must have are underwater (subs)
cover and air (support). The journey by CV-16 on Nov 26 is close to land under the support of PLANAF & PLAAF under the combat radius of its figthers for protection while doing the neccessary trainings.

Host requests CH to explain the defination of "作战系统综合研试",
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3) Between the past testings and the recent task force, a single CV-16 training was more focused on getting the technical capabilties OR experiments OR procedures correctly. A small task force is progressively shifting from technical experiments to tactical experiments;

4) Another thing to note about CV-16 is that every carrier should have its own "nest" and there are two now.

Host then introduces the maximium payload flight testings on CV-16 during Sept 15, 2013. The next cutscene shows the max payload flight tests with different layout for different missions requirements as well as landing and taking off with "mock" weapons.

5) ZZZ comments that to take off from a carrier with just a distance of 200-300m lenght, all this are done by the thrust of the engines. To progressively adding weight to the airframe is to minimise the risks involved, sooner or later this genre of training would be taken at night. He also comically using his life experiences during his younger days of his atheletic training in triple jump by adding weights on his feet to achieve desire training results.

Next cutscene is the short takeoff of J-15. The cutscene ends by commenting that during one of the topic, all flights were conducted using the three take off points on the carrier, it might be a step closer to max the number of take offs per launch to max the combat capabilities of both carrier and fighters. This lays the foundation of a combat capable carrier.

Host comments that the carrier pilots are commendable members of the carrier as their training are very difficult to achieve.

CH comments that:

6) A short takeoff is an "one chance" only for carrier borne pilots as there must be error free take off, else, it would be fatality for both fighter and the pilot.

7) There is another fine detail which he observes is that; by logic when J-15 is at max payload, during the take off after the fighter is air-borned, the spilt moment when the fighter leaves the tip of the carrier, it should jerk down a bit (due to weight issue) but the open documentaries hasnt show any of this jerking down after take off. This represents a great potiential involved the J-15.

NOTE: It is speculated that the mock missiles have weight similar to the live missiles. The great potiential CH didnt mention any but I thought it might have something to do with taking off on a STOBAR or CATOBAR in the future indigenious carrier!

Host also shows another Chinese character "靓" which means "beautiful / graceful". The 052D is described as beautiful by the hobbyists.

Next cutscene introduces the 052D. Some known specs are introduced.

I will skip here as it is mostly about other equipment.

I need to go work now.

Happy New Year ahead...


Banned Idiot
6) A short takeoff is an "one chance" only for carrier borne pilots as there must be error free take off, else, it would be fatality for both fighter and the pilot.

I think cat-assisted launches can be aborted during the launch if anything should go wrong. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

7) There is another fine detail which he observes is that; by logic when J-15 is at max payload, during the take off after the fighter is air-borned, the spilt moment when the fighter leaves the tip of the carrier, it should jerk down a bit (due to weight issue) but the open documentaries hasnt show any of this jerking down after take off. This represents a great potiential involved the J-15.

NOTE: It is speculated that the mock missiles have weight similar to the live missiles. The great potiential CH didnt mention any but I thought it might have something to do with taking off on a STOBAR or CATOBAR in the future indigenious carrier!

You're right in your speculations of course, that it will be able to take off with a heavier load (likely additional fuel) on a CATOBAR carrier, but as for right now, I think he meant that the J-15 still had a powerful enough engine to take on an even heavier load even on the STOBAR Liaoning. He speculated that the J-15s seen in the clips were taking off with 4 tons of fuel (half full) and 3 tons of ordnance.


I concur. I believed I actually mentioned something similar a few months and hundreds of posts ago. I think they actually sealed the forward elevator doors shut.

Why would they do that ? What's the logic of sealing the munition elevator doors ? It doesn't make sense. If you look at other ships like the INS Vikramaditya and the Admiral Kuznetsov. They don't have marked munition elevator doors either.

I have notice that those containers with those satellite dishes in the back are still there. Even 15 months after her commissioning. Are those containers a permanent feature of the aircraft carrier ?
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Junior Member
Why would they do that ? What's the logic of sealing the munition elevator doors ? It doesn't make sense. If you look at other ships like the INS Vikramaditya and the Admiral Kuznetsov. They don't have marked munition elevator doors either.

I have notice that those containers with those satellite dishes in the back are still there. Even 15 months after her commissioning. Are those containers a permanent feature of the aircraft carrier ?

Might just be something as straight forward as when it was rebuilt they reconfigured the internals and the forward munitions storage was re-purposed no point in having elevators to a non-existent munitions hold! The whole front section internals are probably very different from the original especially since the SSM tubes aren't used/there any more.

Just my 2 cents


Might just be something as straight forward as when it was rebuilt they reconfigured the internals and the forward munitions storage was re-purposed no point in having elevators to a non-existent munitions hold! The whole front section internals are probably very different from the original especially since the SSM tubes aren't used/there any more.

Just my 2 cents

Just 2 munitions elevators for the whole flight deck of 14700m². Not very smart and especially when you consider that China's carrier will have a larger air wing than the Admiral Kuznetsov 20 to 24 Flankers vs only 14 on the Admiral Kuznetsov. And with a more multi-role plane than the SU-33 they will have to store other kinds of munitions like anti-ship and land attack munitions. And unlike the American carriers they can't store large amount of munitions on the back of the island structure. There will be a line of red shirts standing front of those 2 elevators waiting for their munition to arm their planes! If they did decide to reduce the size of the muntions bay it is then its a foolish decision. The fact that the front 4 elevators are not marked doesn't mean that they are welded shut.

You can see the four front muntions elevator marked in the photo below.

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I think cat-assisted launches can be aborted during the launch if anything should go wrong. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right in your speculations of course, that it will be able to take off with a heavier load (likely additional fuel) on a CATOBAR carrier, but as for right now, I think he meant that the J-15 still had a powerful enough engine to take on an even heavier load even on the STOBAR Liaoning. He speculated that the J-15s seen in the clips were taking off with 4 tons of fuel (half full) and 3 tons of ordnance.

what do you mean if a launch can be aborted? Are you saying if it can be aborted after shooting the aircraft? or before?
As long as the catapult hasn;t launch yet it can be aborted BUT if something goes wrong between the launch and the aircraft leaving the deck then no.. it means someone will have a very bad day!

Also during cat launches pilots don't really 'takeoff' from the carrier...the aircraft takes off by it self. You don't touch the stick at anytime during the initial launch phase!
Not only do you not touch the stick you actually want to have your hands grab on to the bar or something so as to not pull on the stick by habit otherwise you're going in to the drink.!!
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