H-20 bomber (with H-X, JH-XX)

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I definitely heard the “k” sound after listening to it several times via your link. Plus he was listing the 20 series using his fingers. So, I definitely do not think he repeated “Hong - 20” twice.
Alright, let's wait and see.

Just being curious, no offence or mocking intended :), are you native Mandarin speaker in the area represented by Beijing(north) and Shaanxi (central and west)? Because I know that even Chinese outside these regions pronounce "h" differently. h and k in some cases depending the following vows can be difficult to distinguish by people outside these regions.
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Alright, let's wait and see.

Just being curious, no offence or mocking intended :), are you native Mandarin speaker in the area represented by Beijing(north) and Shaanxi (central and west)? Because I know that even Chinese outside these regions pronounce "h" differently. h and k in some cases depending the following vows can be difficult to distinguish by people outside these regions.
I don't have a dialect, so my understanding of what he said is definitely not affected by that. Perhaps you have the dialect issue? ;)

Aside from that tangent, assuming I'm right, I'd say @Icloo 's post is on point given the fact that the PLAAF doesn't have a 空 series of aircraft.
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I don't have a dialect, so my understanding of what he said is definitely not affected by that. Perhaps you have the dialect issue? ;)
I could not have a dialect issue because I grow up in Beijing surrounded by CCTV anchors speech all my life. Anyway, let's drop it, I may need to see a doctor for my ears. :D

Aside from that tangent, assuming I'm right, I'd say @Icloo 's post is on point given the fact that the PLAAF doesn't have a 空 series of aircraft.
His suggestion was Kong-20 being KongJing-20/空警20 with 警 being skipped based on your assumption. However there is a problem with this suggestion. All the numbers KJ-2000, 200, 500, 600 are NOT the number of their platform aircraft il-76, Y-8 etc. So a Y-20 based AWAC being KJ-20 would break PLA's naming convention, doesn't make sense.


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I’m with Taxiya on this one. I hear hong, not kong. And if you’re wondering, I’m from Hebei.
Interesting. I know that people in the comments section of the now-taken down bilibili video also had this debate. I still stand by what I believe I have heard mind you, but I didn't know the dialects had this much of an effect on one's listening. Regardless, since I'm not too familiar with the plaaf osint stuff (I'm a ground pounder at heart), are commentaries by figures like him taken seriously here?


Interesting. I know that people in the comments section of the now-taken down bilibili video also had this debate. I still stand by what I believe I have heard mind you, but I didn't know the dialects had this much of an effect on one's listening. Regardless, since I'm not too familiar with the plaaf osint stuff (I'm a ground pounder at heart), are commentaries by figures like him taken seriously here?
I think one reason some people might hear kong is that a lot of northern dialects put a kind of trill on the h consonant. In standard putong the trill gets cleaned up, but a lot of people from the north ironically don’t always pick up or adopt some of the subtler formalisms in standard mandarin because everything in standard mandarin sounds close enough that you don’t really notice.


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Interesting. I know that people in the comments section of the now-taken down bilibili video also had this debate. I still stand by what I believe I have heard mind you, but I didn't know the dialects had this much of an effect on one's listening.
One can only speak the difference that one can distinguish in hearing. One can only hear the difference if one's tongue can make it.

Regardless, since I'm not too familiar with the plaaf osint stuff (I'm a ground pounder at heart), are commentaries by figures like him taken seriously here?
He is wearing PLA uniform in the program and he is in the rank equivalent to generals. What he said is about operational or soon to be operational equipment. I don't see any reason to doubt what he is saying. BTW he is in the National Defence University, he may not know technical details, but existence of programs is within his reach, similar to a senior engineer in CAC would know the existence of CAC's next gen fighter.


Interesting. I know that people in the comments section of the now-taken down bilibili video also had this debate. I still stand by what I believe I have heard mind you, but I didn't know the dialects had this much of an effect on one's listening. Regardless, since I'm not too familiar with the plaaf osint stuff (I'm a ground pounder at heart), are commentaries by figures like him taken seriously here?

I heard Kong-20 too.

Perhaps he realized he misspoke that and immediately decided to correct the mistake by saying Hong 20 in the train of words.
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