H-20 bomber (with H-X, JH-XX)


any updates on H20? will it be revealed before B21?

And don't worry, if H-20 is real deal, the USAF will be the first one to hold a press briefing, with a low-res satellite image of the alleged H-20 on the left and the artist rendering of the same on the right, the CSAF will drone on a bit on the threat of such a hardware against US interest globally, followed by members of Senate Armed Service Committee pledged their commitment to USAF budget and B-21 programme in the upcoming fiscal year...

And a few days after that press briefing at the Pentagon, the spokesperson of the PLA will have to give a brief answer to foreign corespondent during the weekly press briefing in Beijing.

If we are lucky, in the months that followed Weibo may have a blurred out / low-res image of the H-20 doing test flight.

That, my friends, is how this drama will play out.


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And don't worry, if H-20 is real deal, the USAF will be the first one to hold a press briefing, with a low-res satellite image of the alleged H-20 on the left and the artist rendering of the same on the right, the CSAF will drone on a bit on the threat of such a hardware against US interest globally, followed by members of Senate Armed Service Committee pledged their commitment to USAF budget and B-21 programme in the upcoming fiscal year...

And a few days after that press briefing at the Pentagon, the spokesperson of the PLA will have to give a brief answer to foreign corespondent during the weekly press briefing in Beijing.

If we are lucky, in the months that followed Weibo may have a blurred out / low-res image of the H-20 doing test flight.

That, my friends, is how this drama will play out.
The way things are going geopolitically-need H20 NOW-another layer of dominance and sriking power with unparalled versatility that comes in a manned package like a bomber.


Lieutenant General
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It's actually a good question whether PLAAF would have to gain more by having H-20 or USAF from having B-21. It does seem like they will probably enter service at around the same time.

For USAF, the increased capability will just come from B-21 being undetectable until much closer to Chinese coast than B-2. For example, the B-2s stationed in Australia imo would get detected by long range counter stealth radar at Spratly Islands and that makes them very vulnerable to operate without escorts. B-21 on the other hand should be stealthy enough to get around Spratly undetected and get much closer to Hainan from Australia. That would make them quite dangerous. Similarly, they can really threatened area defense if operating from anywhere in Japan.

For PLAAF, H-20 application would be enormous. You could employ utilize H-20 with other long range platforms (like H-6K) where the latter launches cruise missiles from far out to soften defense and then H-20 get a lot closer and drop a whole bunch of PGMs. Something like the Darwin air base and Diego Garcia would be well within the range of H-20 in this type of attacks. It could be used to devastate US military's ability to attack China from far out. In the beginning of a conflict, they would be extremely effective against Japan proper after the initial wave of ballistic missiles. After that, they are within range of Alaska (assuming Russian give overfly rights) from Heilongjiang province to be able to launch pretty effective attacks against Anchorage. Depending on relationship with Australia, they'd be a very serious threat to RAN base at Perth.

I would think if PLAAF does first strike and knock out Japan, PLAAF getting H-20 would be more helpful than USAF getting B-21 to replace B-1B/B-2


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It's actually a good question whether PLAAF would have to gain more by having H-20 or USAF from having B-21. It does seem like they will probably enter service at around the same time.

For USAF, the increased capability will just come from B-21 being undetectable until much closer to Chinese coast than B-2. For example, the B-2s stationed in Australia imo would get detected by long range counter stealth radar at Spratly Islands and that makes them very vulnerable to operate without escorts. B-21 on the other hand should be stealthy enough to get around Spratly undetected and get much closer to Hainan from Australia. That would make them quite dangerous. Similarly, they can really threatened area defense if operating from anywhere in Japan.

For PLAAF, H-20 application would be enormous. You could employ utilize H-20 with other long range platforms (like H-6K) where the latter launches cruise missiles from far out to soften defense and then H-20 get a lot closer and drop a whole bunch of PGMs. Something like the Darwin air base and Diego Garcia would be well within the range of H-20 in this type of attacks. It could be used to devastate US military's ability to attack China from far out. In the beginning of a conflict, they would be extremely effective against Japan proper after the initial wave of ballistic missiles. After that, they are within range of Alaska (assuming Russian give overfly rights) from Heilongjiang province to be able to launch pretty effective attacks against Anchorage. Depending on relationship with Australia, they'd be a very serious threat to RAN base at Perth.

I would think if PLAAF does first strike and knock out Japan, PLAAF getting H-20 would be more helpful than USAF getting B-21 to replace B-1B/B-2
Much as I love China's huge SRBM-IRBM's forces(worlds largest and most potent IIRC) a missile once launched can't be recalled but a manned bomber just has so many options in its playbook-nuclear-conventional- that its versatility and lethality will add greatly to PLA's full spectrum dominance and will give pause/fear of destruction in any full scale USA-China war to USA's surrounding proxies especially a rabid wolf like Japan waiting for any moment of weakness from China-it will be sanitized by incineration first.This H20 platform will actually prevent war as targets can be hit-ratcheting up the conflict ladder- without nearing the nuclear option


Registered Member
It's actually a good question whether PLAAF would have to gain more by having H-20 or USAF from having B-21. It does seem like they will probably enter service at around the same time.

For USAF, the increased capability will just come from B-21 being undetectable until much closer to Chinese coast than B-2. For example, the B-2s stationed in Australia imo would get detected by long range counter stealth radar at Spratly Islands and that makes them very vulnerable to operate without escorts. B-21 on the other hand should be stealthy enough to get around Spratly undetected and get much closer to Hainan from Australia. That would make them quite dangerous. Similarly, they can really threatened area defense if operating from anywhere in Japan.

For PLAAF, H-20 application would be enormous. You could employ utilize H-20 with other long range platforms (like H-6K) where the latter launches cruise missiles from far out to soften defense and then H-20 get a lot closer and drop a whole bunch of PGMs. Something like the Darwin air base and Diego Garcia would be well within the range of H-20 in this type of attacks. It could be used to devastate US military's ability to attack China from far out. In the beginning of a conflict, they would be extremely effective against Japan proper after the initial wave of ballistic missiles. After that, they are within range of Alaska (assuming Russian give overfly rights) from Heilongjiang province to be able to launch pretty effective attacks against Anchorage. Depending on relationship with Australia, they'd be a very serious threat to RAN base at Perth.

I would think if PLAAF does first strike and knock out Japan, PLAAF getting H-20 would be more helpful than USAF getting B-21 to replace B-1B/B-2
dropping PGM with H-20 might be a bit too hopeful. Maybe a pack of smaller short ranged cruise missiles in an internal rotary launcher or something. Getting within IRST range of powerful adversaries is never a great idea.


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dropping PGM with H-20 might be a bit too hopeful. Maybe a pack of smaller short ranged cruise missiles in an internal rotary launcher or something. Getting within IRST range of powerful adversaries is never a great idea.
The idea is that you weaken the air defense with a lot of cruise missile strikes form H-6K first and then follow that up with H-20 getting closer with their power EW suite and dropping gliding PGMs. That may allow you to drop these things out from 100 km out. With degraded defense, it would be hard for the remaining sensors to detect a large stealth bomber (let's say a magnitude more stealth than B-2) and to cue up the SAMs to actually lock on to a something that stealthy. A large part of China's counter stealth effort is just having a lot of sensors both on the ground, in the air and in the sea before something like B-2 or F-35C can get close to the mainland. When you significantly reduce that number, it would be hard to get continuous track on something like H-20 (assuming it ends up being as stealthy as I think).


Lieutenant General
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The idea is that you weaken the air defense with a lot of cruise missile strikes form H-6K first and then follow that up with H-20 getting closer with their power EW suite and dropping gliding PGMs. That may allow you to drop these things out from 100 km out. With degraded defense, it would be hard for the remaining sensors to detect a large stealth bomber (let's say a magnitude more stealth than B-2) and to cue up the SAMs to actually lock on to a something that stealthy. A large part of China's counter stealth effort is just having a lot of sensors both on the ground, in the air and in the sea before something like B-2 or F-35C can get close to the mainland. When you significantly reduce that number, it would be hard to get continuous track on something like H-20 (assuming it ends up being as stealthy as I think).

A sufficiently large fleet of H-20s could certainly offer a valuable role for dropping large numbers of PGMs in the later stages of a conflict in a degraded IADS environment.

However, H-20s will likely have a very important role (and imo, this will be their primarily role) in launching long range ALCMs against well defended targets at the first stages of a conflict.

H-6Ks launching ALCMs will of course be part of the picture when you're striking well defended targets, but in the future to maximize the success of your strike, you really ideally want to stealthily everything. You want a VLO strategic bomber, deploying VLO ALCMs.

Once the target's defenses are sufficiently degraded, then you can start employing your assets in a higher risk manner like using them to drop PGMs.


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And don't worry, if H-20 is real deal, the USAF will be the first one to hold a press briefing, with a low-res satellite image of the alleged H-20 on the left and the artist rendering of the same on the right, the CSAF will drone on a bit on the threat of such a hardware against US interest globally, followed by members of Senate Armed Service Committee pledged their commitment to USAF budget and B-21 programme in the upcoming fiscal year...

And a few days after that press briefing at the Pentagon, the spokesperson of the PLA will have to give a brief answer to foreign corespondent during the weekly press briefing in Beijing.

If we are lucky, in the months that followed Weibo may have a blurred out / low-res image of the H-20 doing test flight.

That, my friends, is how this drama will play out.
It's US habit and propaganda to frighten the world if China has something superior to them; they are scared and are having s**t in their pants! They will probably say...this will undermine world peace!


Registered Member
dropping PGM with H-20 might be a bit too hopeful. Maybe a pack of smaller short ranged cruise missiles in an internal rotary launcher or something. Getting within IRST range of powerful adversaries is never a great idea.
Stealth technology includes quite deep IR sig suppression(one of the main reasons for subsonic flying wings in the first place), so IRST range against those may be quite meh.

Saddams' Mig-29s failed to find F-117s over Baghdad back then.

H-6Ks launching ALCMs will of course be part of the picture when you're striking well defended targets, but in the future to maximize the success of your strike, you really ideally want to stealthily everything. You want a VLO strategic bomber, deploying VLO ALCMs.

Once the target's defenses are sufficiently degraded, then you can start employing your assets in a higher risk manner like using them to drop PGMs.
One the other hand, one of the key reasons for manned bombers is ability to penetrate the AD mesh and see that you're engaging in the first place (best kill chain is no kill chain, best verification&damage assessment is visual). In some cases even targeting something mobile can be attempted.
Especially because in such a big war, not only enemies' defenses are probably targeted, but also your own strategic reconnaissance assets.

Otherwise there is a point in simply making even larger stealthy missiles(Kh-101/102 with their crazy ranges are already showing that) - fuel doesn't cost that much to add.
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