Chinese Economics Thread


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X5 cars sold in China have so far been produced at BMW's Spartanburg plant in South Carolina. Added production in China will not affect production volumes at South Carolina plant, the statement said.
Yeah sure. Brandon will believe it.

The move mirrors a decision by BMW in 2018 to produce 10,000 to 20,000 X5 SUVs in Thailand to supply Chinese customers after China instated a 40 percent tariff on imports from the United States.
Trump and Biden add tariff on toys, cloths and shoes made in China. The manufacturers moved their factories to Vietnam instead of the US. Oops, miscalculated.

And they found out who have been paying for the tariff hike. It's not the Chinese! A double miscalculation.

China adds tariff on US-made luxary cars. The rich Chinese are paying the price. And the manufacturers started moving the factories out of the US, and even to China now! A triple miscalcution.

The trade war is easy to win, right? Looks like it is, for China.

To the US voters, if you believe in "fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you", what would you think of yourselves now that you have been fooled three times?


Lieutenant General
The answer is outgrow it and not start fights prematurely while the US is still the world's most powerful country. There's a reason that America didn't go to actual war with the Soviets when the Soviet were on their last lifelines.

Except for the seething rage issues and your self-admitted depression that China isn't crazy like you.

That is not weakness in someone else; that is stupidity in yourself and your inability to strategize. If the CCP is so weak, then stop trying to use thier power to do your dirty deeds. True weakness is a maniacal fantasy of wielding power that is not yours to do things you cannot do with your own power. Go find a country you deem strong and apply for citizenship.

You mean the West throwing the kitchen sink at China only to watch in horror as China continues to outgrow it, just like how all sane people here see it.
You can make all kind of excuses but you can't hide the fact that China lack of gut and gumption in response to western challenge!


Junior Member
Registered Member
You can make all kind of excuses but you can't hide the fact that China lack of gut and gumption in response to western challenge!
Jai Hinds had plenty of guts and gumption in ladakh, they spattered their guts all over the rocks in the rivers of the Himalayas.

China plays to win, not to satisfy armchair warriors.

Look at china‘s moves since the trump trade and tech war, would you say white Anglo nations are winning? Or rather, do you now see them desperately trying to instigate nuclear war because they know they can’t win the economic and tech war.


Lieutenant General
Jai Hinds had plenty of guts and gumption in ladakh, they spattered their guts all over the rocks in the rivers of the Himalayas.

China plays to win, not to satisfy armchair warriors.

Look at china‘s moves since the trump trade and tech war, would you say white Anglo nations are winning? Or rather, do you now see them desperately trying to instigate nuclear war because they know they can’t win the economic and tech war.
Who care about Indian. What kind of move ? I don't see any move anywhere? Please enlighten me . Huawei is stuck right now their handphone business is decimated. China still import semiconductor worth 300 billion US$ from the west. What winning are you talking except in your head? Average household asset in US increase by $300.000 that is what count. Average American still live in big house in well manicured suburb that average Chinese in overcrowded city and overprice small apartment can only dream
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Who care about Indian. What kind of move ? I don't see any move anywhere? Please enlighten me . Huawei is stuck right now their handphone business is decimated. China still import semiconductor worth 300 billion US$ from the west. What winning are you talking except in your head? Average household asset in US increase by $300.000 that is what count. Average American still live in big house in well manicured suburb that average Chinese in overcrowded city and overprice small apartment can only dream
Why would zhongnanhai advertise its moves publicly? Who do you think they are? White Americans?
Unlike white Americans, china doesn’t have idiot failsons writing think tank articles about “courting Russia to isolate china”, it doesn’t have entities Like PFANAC talking about the invasion of Iran, at best you’d have retired PLA generals writing theses about china needing to fight five wars before it can ascend to world peace.

Btw average household wealth increased by 300k? I guess that little inflation problem is a big nothingburger then eh, maybe that’s why the fed is now trying to taper…


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
US style suburban sprawl is hardly something which is economically effective for such a huge population nation like China.
Heck, it is not efficient in the US either.

People joke about Chinese construction. Those US citizens are likely living in wood houses with asphalt roofs. Similar houses anywhere else wouldn't sell for anywhere close to their supposed value. But you are probably joking. At least I think you are @Hendrik_2000.

With regards to Chinese semiconductor imports, the market does not change on a dime. China already has more fabrication capacity than the US and more modern capacity at that. If the products are still lacking, time will solve that.


Registered Member
A legacy of former leader Deng Xiao Ping?

Another reason might be that the CCP realizes that it does not enjoy unconditional approval from the Chinese people? If yes, that might explain why the CCP may be more concerned with suppressing dissent at home and keeping the masses ignorant of the outside world through the Great Firewall than dealing with external challenges posed by the USA or India.

Limitation of military options, technological backwardness might be other limiting factors. China has been playing catch up for decades and this process will continue for decades to come, if it ever comes to a halt at all. It's easier for authoritarian states to copy or imitate leading countries but not provide new ideas or novel working methods or technological breakthroughs or scientific theories and concepts that shatter old myths.

Even a democratic, Western aligned Japan could never out innovate, outcompete the Americans. That says something.
Racism bullshit.