Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Mysterious Heart Damage, Not Just Lung Troubles, Befalling COVID-19 Patients
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APRIL 6, 2020


While the focus of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on respiratory problems and securing enough ventilators, doctors on the front lines are grappling with a new medical mystery.
In addition to lung damage, many COVID-19 patients are also developing heart problems — and dying of cardiac arrest.
As more data comes in from China and Italy, as well as Washington state and New York, more cardiac experts are coming to believe the COVID-19 virus can infect the heart muscle. An initial study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even among those who show no signs of respiratory distress.

COVID will aff

Kidney will be added to that list as well. Anything concerning blood pressure will be affected.

The long term damage is yet to be assessed

The damage to the heart can well be why China after finding and writing of chloroquinine in Feb are reluctant to use that on covid19 patients because of the known side effects. That the Dotard been pushing for that as if there is no tomorrow.


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The damage to the heart can well be why China after finding and writing of chloroquinine in Feb are reluctant to use that on covid19 patients because of the known side effects. That the NO NAME CALLING! leave the insults out of SDF! been pushing for that as if there is no tomorrow.

owns a stake in company.

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the original source appears to be
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People are packed at Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), a jagged range of more than 70 knifelike peaks in eastern China’s Anhui province, after quarantine ban lifted in most parts of China
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4:54 AM · Apr 5, 2020


"the engineer"
Countries are piling to ask for compensation for Virus Pandemic damage from China's action. US asking $2 Trillion, UK asking $600Billion, India asking too... A lot of countries would also step forward.

How should China handle this??? LOL
And all mask and medical device deliveries will now cost $2 trillion.. or stops.


"the engineer"
I's one thing having Pakistan, Russia(doubtful), Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe etc. on China's side and it's a different thing having the UK, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Turkey, India etc. on America's side.

This doesn't look to end well for China. You know things have seriously deteriorated when common people(who are genuinely simple minded folks) across countries put the blame squarely on China.
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Looks like Modi got played by Trump, tell me again why is he so popular?


"the engineer"
You must understand that majority of those countries are poor developing nations and no matter what they feel they are practically helpless. Let me share you an example. A few days ago a doctor suggested that vaccines be tested on Africans to speed up the delivery. The insinuation was clear. African lives are not important. The head of who's African segment demanded an apology from this doctor. Nothing happened. The French government didn't bat an eye. Neither the media helped in this issue.
In such a situation do you really think China can expect any useful help(not moral or vocal support) from most of her allies? If you still do, then , my friend, you will be surprised.
The French doctors that said test vaccines on Africans were misquoted. They said Africans also need vaccine test to protect them as well.

Countries like Spain and Italy are poor now?
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Is NY still in early stage of the curve or peaking soon? This is bad if it's the former.

I guess California gets spared due to its bad public transportation ironically

The entire NYC subway system is only guaranteed to be cleaned once in its entirety every three days. That is absolutely disgusting if you know how busy the NYC subway is. The C-suite needs to take a pay cut so they can hire enough cleaners to clean the whole system once a day.