Now why is it that the US government are no longer interested in a Korean Peninsula lasting peace?
A Lasting peace could only really happen under reunification. as that is the goal of both North and south. the problem is That for both parties that means establishing their hegemony over the other. one nation 2 systems has never worked.
lol. There's only one player who keeps that country alive and provides it with technology that's enough to construct nuclear warheads. And it isn't US. Japan can only play this card in the process of getting their place in East Asia again, but they aren't the ones who made it.
The Nuclear program of the NK is a long one dating back to the 1960's when they started it to counter the US Aide to the ROK, The North koreans went to Both Russia and the PRC for help in a Nuclear bomb but were rebuffed.
They did however get help from both in learning Nuclear power. Although they never seem to have implemented it as North Korea still has almost no maintained electric power grid. All evidence indicate that the DPRK was looking to leverage what they were learning the hard way to a Bomb.

How difficult it is for some people to get along with simple fact, what NKorea actually is capable of something by herself.
Then Comes A.Q.Khan Father of the Pakistani Nuclear program He is known to have traveled widely including a number of Business trips to Pyongyang and has been confirmed as exchanging nuclear secrets with a number of nations. It's possible he may have also been involved in the Kim's bomb.
Of Course in the end, by the late 1990's The South Korean conventional military power hit a point that they could in a conventional war take the North korean conventional forces. The North needed a nonconventional advantage to keep the game fixed.
For decades the US built up South Korea to keep the North at bay,
For Decades the USSR and then China has built up the North To keep the US at bay.
The Chinese have used North Korea as a buffer state, They don't want a Nation with very good US relations and US Bases sitting on there boarder. So they pump cash to the North via Black, Grey and white trade. but that is not there only means of making money
Despite Claims to the Contrary North Korea has external economic dealings in Angola, Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Cambodia, Chad,Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Germany, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Russia, Senegal, Togo, Zimbabwe just to name a few
Most are minor some are major. Some are military. North Korean conventional and Chemical arms have been seen in Syria. Cuba was caught smuggling Fighter parts from North Korea, and A number of Iranian officials have been on hand for North Korean missile and nuclear tests.
They also have the Joint economic district with South Korea meant as an olive branch is also a life line into the North Korean state.