Z-10 thread

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
This is the best picture not yours Jeff :)
Hehehe...I never said mine was the "best," just that it was among my favorites.

Now that you have shown me this one...LOL...I still like the one I posted better. You like this one better.

Touche! To each their own. Though I do like the photo you posted too.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
sorry for the OT, but couldn't resist:

As I said earlier, I personally like the Ka-52. It is among my favorites and most lethal attack helicopters. The Apache and the Ka-52 are at the top of my list...thought the WZ-10 is also very impressive and very lethal.

Fact is, if you are a soldier on the ground, on foot or in any kind of APC, IFV, tank, etc. any of these helicopters could make for a very bad day for you. Any large formation of ground forces almost has to have very good anti-air these days when going against any well armed modern opponent.
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