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Wikipedia will soon become state mouthpiece.
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Ok, which one of y'all is this?
Is US congress pressuring Univs from collaborating w CN univs?

"Univ of Michigan to end partnership with Shanghai Jaio Tong University"

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Translation: Ono is a piece of shit, a lackey of the US government
Translation: Trump hasn't even come to power yet, but the school board and its lackey Ono have already surrendered and are begging for mercy, not even pretending to care about students. Just look at their behavior towards the unions and the support for the Palestinian movement, and you'll see that students are just stepping stones to their political and financial ladder.


Registered Member
Excellent. China is not stupid to help adversaries and Apple move away production. Let the Jai Hinds and Tim Apple cry all they want
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Foxconn stops sending Chinese workers to India iPhone factories​

Well that took them long enough. Looks like China is rightly ignoring Modi's recent friendly gestures. They are seeing through that scammer-in-chief. This, along with that claim by an Indian minister that China had blocked the transfer of a German-branded TBM made in China is quite encouraging.

More should be done. Stop transferring to India anything that could advance their economy and technology base. Let them wallow in their dire economic situation. India must suffer the consequences of it's repeated backstabs on China. They have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they are an enemy nation. They can never be genuine friends, as they always seek a zero-sum end goal with China.


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Exclusive: Beijing resumes disputed installations in West Sea amid S. Korea's turmoil​

Yoon and his American masters had attempted to start a war with North Korea and by extension, China. Despite Yoon's impeachment, he is still hanging on to his job, and the Americans are definitely helping him stay on. With Trump coming to power soon, things could get even messier.

So what China is doing now is very reasonable, considering what Yoon had attempted. SK was only one step away from waging war on China had Yoon's NK war project succeeded. China has to try to deter SK from any future adventurism, and to prepare for war if deterrence fails.


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Well that took them long enough. Looks like China is rightly ignoring Modi's recent friendly gestures. They are seeing through that scammer-in-chief. This, along with that claim by an Indian minister that China had blocked the transfer of a German-branded TBM made in China is quite encouraging.

More should be done. Stop transferring to India anything that could advance their economy and technology base. Let them wallow in their dire economic situation. India must suffer the consequences of it's repeated backstabs on China. They have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they are an enemy nation. They can never be genuine friends, as they always seek a zero-sum end goal with China.
Watch them whine about how China complains about America. Except American businesses are still in China after all this time and China hasn't swindled them. And honestly China has been less hostile/entitled to America compared to India with China. The track record is there for all to see.

Tone deaf


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How did we go from pioneering 56 gender orientations to this?

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It is almost as if the whole thing is invented to keep the plebs mad at each other instead of the gaping assholes raining shit down 24/7.
Zuckerberg was always an opportunistic snake. He’s obviously ingratiating himself to the Trump administration for political and economic benefits, especially as Tik Tok is getting banned, which was what he actively lobbied for, he’s in position to monopolize the short form video space.

China should definitely work to deprive Zuckerberg of market share outside of the US. Plenty of opportunities, both by showing him for the snake that he is. And because his product is straight up bad & Chinese companies are able to do better.


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Zuckerberg was always an opportunistic snake. He’s obviously ingratiating himself to the Trump administration for political and economic benefits, especially as Tik Tok is getting banned, which was what he actively lobbied for, he’s in position to monopolize the short form video space.

China should definitely work to deprive Zuckerberg of market share outside of the US. Plenty of opportunities, both by showing him for the snake that he is. And because his product is straight up bad & Chinese companies are able to do better.

He did flip flop on studying XJP thoughts. Apostates will be punished accordingly.


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so apparently, elections are merely a ritual that the priestly class elites of the west can overturn as only they can interpret the Vox populi Vox dei, the will of the people, the will of god?
Elections in the West have always been subject to manipulation and influence by the so called "deep state." The power brokers that matter in the West aren't "the people," and have not been for centuries. It's just become more obvious now that we're entering into a post-liberal world and the masks are starting to slip.

Asian liberals - especially the faithful lap dogs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea - have been utterly duped, in this regard. They thought the West was what it advertised itself as - government by the people, of the people, for the people, and tried to imitate it as best they can. But the reality is that democracy is just a popular ritual. The West is an oligarchy, through and through, with different factions whose fortunes rise and fall as they play the age old game of thrones. The people's input, insofar as it matters, is of a similar relevance as those in any oligarchy - as ammo used by one faction against another.


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There is a protest, but there isn't a lot of coverage on it.
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Just an excuse to drink and party:
People began to join the picketers and by the evening the action had grown to a large-scale demonstration, in which there were more than a thousand people. Among them were young people in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
The demonstrators accuse the Mongolian government of failing to combat smog, traffic congestion, poverty, corruption and unemployment. At the same time, representatives of the Alliance of Freedom party refuse to have a dialogue with the authorities.
It is not known whether there will be less corruption in Mongolia because of such drunken protests. But there are definitely more traffic jams. Due to the demonstration in Ulaanbaatar, 15 bus routes were canceled.

"I'm drinking until you fix our problems"
"Can you tell me the problems so I can start working on them?"
"No, I'm drinking"