Even almost 700 years after the Yuan dynasty, these Mongols still act the same way. The manchus really do look like a PhD nerds compared to them. No wonder they wanted to have their own identity later.Just an excuse to drink and party:
"I'm drinking until you fix our problems"
"Can you tell me the problems so I can start working on them?"
"No, I'm drinking"
Did you know outer Mongolia elites let the ROc come on to rule them for almost two years in the 1920s. I can see why now because these guys really will go nowhere without support.
It's why China should always deal with Russia from an arm's length distance. Outer Mongolia is wasting decades remaining in this pretend buffer state. Xinjiang will soon be a huge industrial zone somehow and these guys will still be riding on horses wishing Chinggus Khan comes back (he buried in China btw)
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