Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
How can Trump 'show sincerity' to CN for negotiations, when these guys still active vs CN?
When has Trump ever "showed sincerity" to China? Trade War 1.0, HK colour revolution project, African Swine Fever, and Covid-19. Each of those events coincidentally happened during or after negotiations between Trump and China.

The days when China thinks that a deal could be reached with Trump is over. Today, China is in a "bring it on" mode with Trump and America. China is going to punish Trump this time and make him crawl back begging, or let him rage impotently in the Whitehouse. Those 6th gen aircraft test flights are an appetizer for what is to come.

As for the Tibet question, it doesn't matter who is POTUS. All of them will continue screwing around with Xizang. India have been trying to hijack the American Tibet project, to turn it into their own Akhand Bharat project. So India had become the more active provocateur now. Excellent. Because they suck at doing it, and the more they do it, the more they reveal their loincloth imperialism to the Tibetans and their other neighbours.
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Registered Member
This is what being a citizen of China means. It means that every Chinese helps each other during difficulties.

Hui Chinese volunteer to cook hot food at the disaster zone. Others volunteer to build relief shelters. Nobody gets to be left behind in modern China.

Those Tibetan separatists volunteered to lecture, and the Indians volunteered to mock. The Dalai Lama was only able to offer his prayers. Those Tibetan separatists will never know what it's like to be treated as family. Because they are contented to be treated as pets.
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Registered Member
This is what being a citizen of China means. It means that every Chinese helps each other during difficulties.

Hui Chinese volunteer to cook hot food at the disaster zone. Others volunteer to build relief shelters. Nobody gets to be left behind in modern China.

Those Tibetan separatists volunteered to lecture, and the Indians volunteered to mock. The Dalai Lama was only able to offer his prayers. Those Tibetan separatists will never know what it's like to be treated as family. Because they are contented to be treated as pets.
Lets call them for what they are: Indians larping as Chinese. I.e. simply Indians.


Senior Member
Registered Member
A nice article.

You can just ID and arrest anonymous bloggers now if you have a friend in the government:
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The Register

Chinese VPNs capitalizing on the opportunities. Never miss a beat!
I'm thinking to buy Meta stock and ride their hype wave from Insta Shorts. Then close Jan 20 when Trump reinstates TikTok.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Longevity guru tech billionaire here, can't make this up

Blueprint followers basically modern day breatharians.
Followers of the cult Breatharianism believe that the energy they save on digesting food and drink can be transformed into physical, emotional and spiritual energy. As of 2012, five deaths had been directly linked to breatharianism.

In 1999, Australian-born Verity Linn, 49, was
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in a remote part of the Scottish Highlands after attempting a 21-day fast.

Excerpts from her diary showed she was refusing to eat or drink in the belief it would 'spiritually cleanse' her body and 'recharge her both physically and mentally'.


Registered Member
Longevity guru tech billionaire here, can't make this up

Blueprint followers basically modern day breatharians.
In 1999, Australian-born Verity Linn, 49, was
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in a remote part of the Scottish Highlands after attempting a 21-day fast.

Excerpts from her diary showed she was refusing to eat or drink in the belief it would 'spiritually cleanse' her body and 'recharge her both physically and mentally'.

looks like she cleansed herself right into the afterlife


Registered Member

The sheer lack of motivation and fire by Danes for instances in protecting what was theirs really got me thinking; it's strange isn't it? You'd think that if a foreign nation was coveting a piece of your nation's territory and making assumptive motions, treating that land as their own, you'd be pretty irate wouldn't you, but the Danes aren't.

Doesn't this look familiar?

Doesn't this remind you of the sheer disinterest amongst Syrians in fightinf off the HTS/Islamic State type takeover of Syria?
And why did most of these Syrians behave in this way? It's because they never really consider themselves Syrians per se, but rather muslims as part of the Islamic Faith, the "Ummah", the body corpus of the Islamic states as a whole.

Similarly, the inactivity amongst Danes and other Europeans in protecting their lands against Anglo predation is because like the muslism, these Europeans consider themselves part of "The West" which is defined not by Christinaity, but by white supremacy and priviliege. These Europeans will gladly give land and territory and blood to the anglos if they believe it will perpetuate white supremacy.