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The Russians believe in using Iran as cannon fodder and bait to soak up the US, hence they have given them expertise and training in anything but nukes.

Imo China is at this point not going to bother with using Iran in any way. Puzzle pieces are falling into place, they have massive geran orders in place, the Jetank UAV (mass producible A-10/modern B-24) was rapidly inducted, and now 6th gens will arrive as well.

I think even if military budget doesn't show it, China has already changed into preparatory rearmament phase. They went from being 25 years behind with the first 5th gen, to 5 years behind with the second 5th gen, to now x years ahead with the first 6th gen. That indicates a lot of innovative focus on the military within the last 10 years in particular.

Iran can be fairly safe in the knowledge that it can very soon simply hide behind China and cheerlead from the rear.
I can’t accept that. Every member of the global south must do their share and not expect Chinese to do the heavy lifting. This includes white worshiping Iranians and Indians; they cannot expect to sit back cowardly whilst Russians and Chinese lead the global resistance, if they lack technology and bravery, they can at least act as bullet sponges before the more capable Chinese arrive on the scene. Effectively, they would be the Ukrainians and balts of NATO ie meat shields to attract bullets away from anglos.

My sentiment comes from what I have observed of Syrians on twitter, who castigate China for the fall of Syria yet say nothing of the Syrian military aged men in Europe, raping to their heart)s delight, who lack the cojones to fight Israel.


Registered Member
I can’t accept that. Every member of the global south must do their share and not expect Chinese to do the heavy lifting. This includes white worshiping Iranians and Indians; they cannot expect to sit back cowardly whilst Russians and Chinese lead the global resistance, if they lack technology and bravery, they can at least act as bullet sponges before the more capable Chinese arrive on the scene. Effectively, they would be the Ukrainians and balts of NATO ie meat shields to attract bullets away from anglos.

My sentiment comes from what I have observed of Syrians on twitter, who castigate China for the fall of Syria yet say nothing of the Syrian military aged men in Europe, raping to their heart)s delight, who lack the cojones to fight Israel.
It will de facto be so anyways. They will be the cowards, like Romanians to the German ww2 empire and Belgians to the scramble for Africa. Hiding in the back during hard won battles and rushing in only to act the most cruel against defenseless people only. In history almost every empire had some people that acted like this.

I've also seen these Muslim brotherhood like losers. They are of low moral quality and cannot think for themselves.

But it's not like China can follow these peoples' timeline.

They are also already attracting bullets away from the competent Russian and Chinese forces to some extent, it's just in a very ineffective and whiny way.

Anyways onto happier news:


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There is some truth that some men of a certain type give off sexual predator vibes with the gaslighting and psychological abuse.

"You need me babe. You're nothing without me.

You think that Slavic bum has anything to offer? He's a drunk loser. That Persian guy you've seen? He's a religious freak that will beat you back into the kitchen.

I did everything for you babe, everything.

You don't even really know what you want. Only I know what you want."

Of course the natural response for the target of this sort of unhinged rant is, "excuse me, do I know you? Why are you following me?"
I'll put it in a distinctly American way (this I love),"I have a gun in my purse and I am willing and trained to use it on your wanna-be-rapist ass!!!)


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I too wish a Merry Xmas to the many PLA troopers apparently spending the Holidays in Panama, not too far from where I am. Maybe they'll put on a fireworks display for us?

Trump sounds like a ranting of a mad Roman Emperor lashing out at everyone and everything -perhaps he should spend 30 minutes reading about one of late Rome's greatest defeats at the Battle of Carrhae( due to lust for riches and breaking of treaties-sounds familiar ??)
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Registered Member
It will de facto be so anyways. They will be the cowards, like Romanians to the German ww2 empire and Belgians to the scramble for Africa. Hiding in the back during hard won battles and rushing in only to act the most cruel against defenseless people only. In history almost every empire had some people that acted like this.

I've also seen these Muslim brotherhood like losers. They are of low moral quality and cannot think for themselves.

But it's not like China can follow these peoples' timeline.

They are also already attracting bullets away from the competent Russian and Chinese forces to some extent, it's just in a very ineffective and whiny way.
There’s also a non zero chance that India will turn like Italy and stab china in the back, especially if they are eager to become white and white slaves.

at this point I’m wondering if Chinese or Russian hackers have commandeered the fire control system of the gettysburg and just shooting down planes Willy nilly.


Junior Member
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There’s also a non zero chance that India will turn like Italy and stab china in the back, especially if they are eager to become white and white slaves.

at this point I’m wondering if Chinese or Russian hackers have commandeered the fire control system of the gettysburg and just shooting down planes Willy nilly.
India WILL try to stab China anyway it can given any opportunity-just look at their China hate spouting media -palki sharma and company -all blame China for india's woes,failures and incompetence and endemic corruption and believing that China has somehow displced india from her rightful place near the top of nations.Also if US navy cheaps out like Boeing and outsources its Firecontrol software to india-well the shitshow results speaks for themselves


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Thomas L. Friedman

What I Learned Most From My Trip to China​

Friedman proposes Trump be Nixon 2.0, instead of a reverse Nixon. I think the US elites are already at the bargaining stage.
He's always been a China dove. He's more of a Middle East hawk, and recognizes that confrontation between the US and China would force the US to pay less attention to the Middle East, and may even threaten the US's ability to influence events in the Middle East altogether, if the conflict becomes serious.

He doesn't want that to happen, he'd rather the US give ground in East Asia.
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Registered Member
He's always been a China dove. He's more of a Middle East hawk, and recognizes that confrontation between the US and China would force the US to pay less attention to the Middle East, and may even threaten the US's ability to influence events in the Middle East altogether, if the conflict becomes serious.

He doesn't want that to happen, he'd rather the US give ground in East Asia.
I see two toxic obsessions amongst the US elite:
  1. The Zionist camp who tend to be jewish/israeli/christian fundamentalist overwhelmingly favour obsessing over the middle east for religious and ethnic cosplaying as hebrews reasons. Individuals like Ben Shapiro, Adelson, et al tend to form this faction
  2. The Anglo chauvinist white supremacist faction, also termed 'Wolverines' and 'Red Team' which have found support amongst the silicon valley homosexual elites like peter thiel and plain old racists like navarro and pottinger.
It's simply a matter for the CPC to turn these camps against each other, and against the american people (given the class consciousness forming amongst the american people) to buy itself time before Faction 2's desired Götterdämmerung.

Finally, the USG especially under Trump made clear its intentions for a race war against China, so if Trump in his second term wants peace and cooperation let these be the terms:

1) All anglo presence is to be pulled back from Australia and New Zealand and Alaska and Hawaii, to be turned over to Chinese forces, to become sinocised this century.
2) The continental US to be deindustralised and 'Morgenthau'd' so that only agriculture and small cottage industry manufacturing to be allowed, with a few key Chinese controlled port cities in San Francisco, Chicago, Houston and New York, and Chinese forces to be subject only to the CPC
3) The MSS to have full justiciar powers to investigate and track down all anti Chinese terorrist factions and perpetrators, with the support of attack dones on the continental US. The maiming and abuse of Chinese elders in US cities to be responded to with a hundred fold response to all other americans of all ethnicites, irrespective of age, creed, sex or culture.

If they insist on war, then the new terms will include the following additional terms:

4) The entire north american continent to be turned over to chinese control, all military age non east Asian men to be castrated and sent to work in the sulphur mines. Fate is to be 20 hour shifts on minimal nutrition. Other duties to involve human and medical experiementation and weapons testing.
4)a) All remaining women to be sterilised. No non Chinese births on continental US without express permission of the Chinese consulate, signed by the very President himself.
4) b) Youthful anglo american women wishing to become Chinese are allowed to join harems as concubines but only after Chinese fluency exams and only if they are of suitable age, youth and fertility. Failure to result in being sent to the sulphur mines after sterilisation.
5) Global 'nazi hunt' of fleeing USG officials and US Elites, the entire EU must cooperate or face the same fate, albet with a few saving graces like allowing their own respective cultures to continue but only under strict terms as 2).

You may think i'm extreme but US/Western elites have funded and written just as extreme white papers on their intentions vis-a-vis China, from the Henry Jackson society to the Hudson Institute. Jack Londons, the lot of them. And when you look at a sitting US PResident advocating invading Canada, Panama, and Mexico and when their Vice President is an acolyte of 'bronze age' perversions and philosophies, ie a Hobbesian worldview, what is the answer to such barbarity? Did the Chinese Dynasties respond to northern barbarian aggression by being pussies? Or did they fight back? Survive, fight back and win?