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Btw I don't buy it that crypto is actually independent... US has demonstrated quite a bit of capability to sieze and rugpull Bitcoin.
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US has seized Ecuadoreans Galapagos islands for a new military base!
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US still quite powerful in LAC thru targeted corruption and militarily re-entrenching themselves there.


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I see two toxic obsessions amongst the US elite:
  1. The Zionist camp who tend to be jewish/israeli/christian fundamentalist overwhelmingly favour obsessing over the middle east for religious and ethnic cosplaying as hebrews reasons. Individuals like Ben Shapiro, Adelson, et al tend to form this faction
  2. The Anglo chauvinist white supremacist faction, also termed 'Wolverines' and 'Red Team' which have found support amongst the silicon valley homosexual elites like peter thiel and plain old racists like navarro and pottinger.
It's simply a matter for the CPC to turn these camps against each other, and against the american people (given the class consciousness forming amongst the american people) to buy itself time before Faction 2's desired Götterdämmerung.

Finally, the USG especially under Trump made clear its intentions for a race war against China, so if Trump in his second term wants peace and cooperation let these be the terms:

1) All anglo presence is to be pulled back from Australia and New Zealand and Alaska and Hawaii, to be turned over to Chinese forces, to become sinocised this century.
2) The continental US to be deindustralised and 'Morgenthau'd' so that only agriculture and small cottage industry manufacturing to be allowed, with a few key Chinese controlled port cities in San Francisco, Chicago, Houston and New York, and Chinese forces to be subject only to the CPC
3) The MSS to have full justiciar powers to investigate and track down all anti Chinese terorrist factions and perpetrators, with the support of attack dones on the continental US. The maiming and abuse of Chinese elders in US cities to be responded to with a hundred fold response to all other americans of all ethnicites, irrespective of age, creed, sex or culture.

If they insist on war, then the new terms will include the following additional terms:

4) The entire north american continent to be turned over to chinese control, all military age non east Asian men to be castrated and sent to work in the sulphur mines. Fate is to be 20 hour shifts on minimal nutrition. Other duties to involve human and medical experiementation and weapons testing.
4)a) All remaining women to be sterilised. No non Chinese births on continental US without express permission of the Chinese consulate, signed by the very President himself.
4) b) Youthful anglo american women wishing to become Chinese are allowed to join harems as concubines but only after Chinese fluency exams and only if they are of suitable age, youth and fertility. Failure to result in being sent to the sulphur mines after sterilisation.
5) Global 'nazi hunt' of fleeing USG officials and US Elites, the entire EU must cooperate or face the same fate, albet with a few saving graces like allowing their own respective cultures to continue but only under strict terms as 2).

You may think i'm extreme but US/Western elites have funded and written just as extreme white papers on their intentions vis-a-vis China, from the Henry Jackson society to the Hudson Institute. Jack Londons, the lot of them. And when you look at a sitting US PResident advocating invading Canada, Panama, and Mexico and when their Vice President is an acolyte of 'bronze age' perversions and philosophies, ie a Hobbesian worldview, what is the answer to such barbarity? Did the Chinese Dynasties respond to northern barbarian aggression by being pussies? Or did they fight back? Survive, fight back and win?
You can't just draw arrows on a map, otherwise it's the same as those like Peter Thiel who think for example they can realistically exile China from its core populated territories (like Taiwan) without risking nuclear MAD. The natural conclusion to what you write above is that there will be nuclear exchange, which at the present China cannot sufficiently defeat in the air.

Being realistic, we see that US will retain for a long time the basic capability of MAD with China. But positively, we also see that mainland US by itself will not develop very much. Instead, US' dangerous capabilities come from their access to SK, Japan and even Indian/EU foreign workers. These are areas that China can realistically reverse/destroy/annex with a combination of military and political pressure.

China should assume a multi stage strategy to divide up the failing US empire, with a focus of first depriving the areas it can use industrially and to farm talents. It should grab SK and Japan with any means possible and encourage or failing that forcibly install anti-Americanism in those countries. It should wage a limited war to prevent US expansionism in Taiwan and at the same time seize strategic objectives (such as Ryukyu, Philippines, Guam) from US. To take out India, it can mainly use economic/intel agency coercion like they're already doing. To take out EU, it is likely it can be done by further enhancing Russian revanchism. Western Europe or India doesn't need to die, just get impoverished/busy with ethnic riots/Russian action enough they can't send proper talents to US. And in the mainland USA, China should continue to encourage political extremism of different flavors.

These moves executed from the 2027-2035 timespan will setup for a next generation 20 years or so later to take the fight to Hawaii, Mexico, Alaska. Annexing the US mainland is pointless, a final victory scenario of directly or indirectly owning the above 3 areas and turning the west coast into a demilitarized zone will achieve China's long term goal of returning the great barbarian empires to the irrelevance they were before the Qing's great mistake.


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It will de facto be so anyways. They will be the cowards, like Romanians to the German ww2 empire and Belgians to the scramble for Africa. Hiding in the back during hard won battles and rushing in only to act the most cruel against defenseless people only. In history almost every empire had some people that acted like this.

I've also seen these Muslim brotherhood like losers. They are of low moral quality and cannot think for themselves.

But it's not like China can follow these peoples' timeline.

They are also already attracting bullets away from the competent Russian and Chinese forces to some extent, it's just in a very ineffective and whiny way.

Anyways onto happier news:
Now I know why China didn't bother openly supporting Islamists when the Palestine online bandwagoning was at a all time high. Others are prone to trendy hysteria for clout but China thinks more long term.

These guys act tough when times aren't tough. But when things get tough they show their true selves and expect others to do the heavy lifting for them.

Knowing what China went through from late Qing up to the founding of PRC makes me real mad when others act so entitled to China's support. No one was there when our ancestors were been shot by foreigners or starving to death. They had to fight tooth and nail with the price of blood to get the peace known today. And yet we have all these guys who did nothing during that time and want us to solve all their problems for them!?!?!




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So apparently Elon is drunk or something and saying there are not enough smart white people in USA for engineering so we need to hire more H1B visa guys aka INDIANS.

He's getting a massive blowback for this. But he's not saying anything new though. We know corporations want to do this because they can pay Indians less and also there's a huge nepotistic network built from decades.

Interesting I saw something from the MAGA crowd say look at China, they seem to be doing quite well in STEM and they don't need to import any Indians!

Truly Indians can bring enemies together. Nobel prize winning actions.