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And yet, Russia is dominating the region while Ukrainian territory shrinks. Same thing, right?
Dude, you're really in denial.

Russia is struggling to control the small strip of Donbass. This region has been the most pro-Russian since the beginning and to this day Russia does not have the ability to fully dominate this region.

Polish-Jewish Ukrainians, instead, dominate a entire region much larger than their former Galicia and ensure that Putin is failing in his promises to disarm Ukraine.

These are facts, not your wishful fantasies.

There is no ignorant person compared to one who thinks that a country can lose or stalemate a war while taking territory from its enemy.

I am ignorant while you think Hezbollah never fought or fired missiles into Israel and Russia never used its missiles in Ukraine, right? I think you don't even know what fighting is, only criticizing those who have done far more than you and understand far more than you.
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It doesn't. But culture is determined here by who has more support, not by your lone valuation.

It is the definition of education. You have absolutely nothing to insult me with LOL. "You're feminine... but I still think you're a man though... You have low-culture... though people agree with you and laugh at me... You're poorly educated! Oh, a STEM PhD? ... Well I meant different eduaction... true education!" LOL What is this "true" education you made up? I'm curious.

That is true, however, it's still much more than you.

What works for China doesn't work for India. What works for America doesn't work for China. The world is full of different circumstances. I think at this point, you're just scared to acknowledge the land gains and enemy kills that Russia has achieved, which are the hallmark of wartime victory. There's no way to support a losing narrative in Russia's case.

Ah, so confident but so wrong as always. I have the intellectual capacity to realize that:
1. Ukraine's energy imports from the EU are limited because the EU themselves have limited energy since sanctioning Russia.
2. Ukraine commonly suffers blackouts indicating insufficient energy.
3. Therefore, destroying Ukraine's indigenous energy production puts strains on both Ukraine and the EU in energy sufficiency.

1. Germany's industry is being destroyed.
2. No lack of energy? LOLOL So wrong and so stupid. You just have to Google before you talk:
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"If Russia continues to attack power plants, the worst-case scenario is that come winter Ukrainians could be spending up to 20 hours a day without power and heating, according to Ukraine's largest private energy company DTEK. Part of the issue is that Ukraine’s thermal and hydroelectric power stations are difficult and expensive to fix.

“Some will take years to repair, and others might never be brought back online” said Maria Tsaturian from Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national energy operator."

What do you think generators run on? Air? LOL

Donations don't count as an economy, especially when they come from countries that are in economic trouble and straining to provide.

You said Kyiv, right? LOL

This is Lutsk, wayyy far away from Dnipro:

Whatever religion they are, they were fighting on Ukraine's side as they died. Palestinians fought against Israel when they died; you can't understand that?

A bubble with everyone else in it and you free by yourself outside, right? LOL

Wow. So first, I called you emotional then you called me emotional. Then I called you machiavellian and you used the word machiavellian. And then I said you don't know how to read and you say the same thing back to me? You really do like copying shit, don't you? Do you just copy me and post it on other forums then copy thier replies and post them back here? LOL

That means they will have no men left to resist a total Russian takeover. I don't think they're that stupid but you certainly are to believe it.
If you think that culture and education are receiving support in a minor forum from those who until yesterday thought Israel lost and that the Arab resistance is strong, then what can I do if your knowledge of the world is so small, weak and illusory. Utterly low cultured indeed.

I don't depend on anyone's feelings to get what I want. If you need to kowtow to the establishment in your bubble, that's your problem. I feel sorry for you, actually. Stick with these bubble support if that's so important to you. For me it certainly isn't. lol.
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Junior Member
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Congrats, someone more schizophrenic than PMC has revealed himself

You went from claiming countries that lose 1-2 commanders per year (Russia and Israel) are equivalent to countries that lose dozens of commanders per year and are unable to hold their land (Palestine and Lebanon).

Now we're at the stage where "losses are actually good, it is a machiavillian plan".

By the same logic, then Hezbollah losing ~5k soldiers or whatever and 10ks dying in Palestine is actually the plan of Iran? They're just killing more peasants which the Iranian government doesn't care about as long as they get weapons from Russia and China. At least 50k is a drop in the bucket for Iran, 2-3 million isn't for Ukraine.

Why is Israel doing nothing about Iran completing its 5D plan of deleting peasants while Iranian agents kill Israel generals with impunity on their own territory?
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Iran is winning any day now, you must quickly do something about it!
You need to stop putting words in other people's posts and drawing absurd conclusions.

Israel destroyed combat capability of all pro-Iran militias in the region, killed dozens of Iranian generals and even diplomats and suffered no relevant damage.

Iran showing fear made Israel bolder until Israel won in the region.

Russia, in turn, is repeating Iran's steps. It has already suffered several attacks within its territory, lost generals and has never done anything beyond the usual against Ukraine. Putin is just afraid of escalation, like Iranians.

If this fearful strategy didn't work with anyone, why do you think it will work with Russia?
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Dude, you're really in denial.
Let's see what mistakes you make this time.
Russia is struggling to control the small strip of Donbass. This region has been the most pro-Russian since the beginning and to this day Russia does not have the ability to fully dominate this region.
Russians took roughly a fifth of Ukraine so far and it accelerated last month.

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"Ukraine lost an area equivalent to the size of New York City to Russian forces in November – the worst monthly figure for Ukrainian defenders since September 2022."

"Russian control of Ukrainian territory has increased from 17.4% in November 2023 to 17.9% as of 30 November 2024."
Polish-Jewish Ukrainians, instead, dominate a entire region much larger than their former Galicia and ensure that Putin is failing in his promises to disarm Ukraine.

These are facts, not your wishful fantasies.
That's their own home, you idiot. You're calling it a victory for Ukraine that they still control part of their own house while calling it a Russian defeat for not taking more of the house they're conquering.
If you think that culture and education are receiving support in a minor forum
You're the one who brought these up. Culture is defined by your surrounding. This is the surrounding we are in. Education is defined by your degree. That is universally recognized. Also something you brought up. What do you want them to mean? The inverse of the number of ad hominems used? You'd lose that too. You insulted Putin, a man who achieves more every day than your whole family throughout the generations just because he his not here to defend himself and then you cry about being personally attacked when you someone throws insults (or just observations that inconveniently expose your deficiencies) back at you. And you think other people are cowards because they're not "brave" enough to call for assassinations over the internet by forces they don't control? LOL
from those who until today thought Israel lost and that the Arab resistance is strong,
I don't think that. But you're the one who brought up people agreeing with you and "culture." Now you see they don't agree with you so you want to denounce the crowd? LOL Typical loser behavior.
then what can I do if your knowledge of the world is so small, weak and illusory.
But it's too large, strong and factual for you to debate against.
Utterly low cultured indeed.
From a person whose account means pussy... wanting to define culture as his own device rather than the device of the crowd? LOL
I don't depend on anyone's feelings to get what I want.
1. You're the one who brought up other people and who they agree with, not me.
2. Since you've already dejectedly said you don't intend to convince others, which is the primary purpose of debate, what do you even want?
If you need to kowtow to the establishment in your bubble, that's your problem.
1. I agree with the establishment here on Russia's battlefield success.
2. Being in a Western country while being pro-Russia pro-China is already not kowtowing to the establishment. You, on the other hand, said you read some American propaganda on US forums and now think that a growing Russia killing way more enemy soldiers than it loses, is somehow losing. That's kowtowing to the establishment.
I feel sorry for you, actually.
If you felt sorry for me, you wouldn't have tried to insult me. But you failed and none of the insults made any sense so this is a cop out just like a debator saying he doesn't wish to convince anyone.
Stick with these bubble support if that's so important to you.
This bubble is right; there are right bubbles and wrong bubbles. For example, the earth being round would feel like a bubble argument if you went against it and all the people who knew basic science. And yeah, everyone's gonna stick by it while you and the rest of the flat-earthers be wrong together. So your argument is empty by nature.
For me it certainly isn't. lol.
You like getting your ass kicked all over the world by taking on different personalities on different forums LOL. That's certainly your weird thing. The only people I can think of who would stand to benefit would be professional debators testing their grit... but you seem to be as sharp as a thousand year riverbed pebble in your debate skills and unable to improve...
Russia, in turn, is repeating Iran's steps. It has already suffered several attacks within its territory, lost generals and has never done anything beyond the usual against Ukraine.
That's because the usual is already killing people on sight, raining missiles on their critical infrastructure and conquering their land. There's barely any room above that other than nukes and genocide.
Putin is just afraid of escalation, like Iranians.
Escalate from that and you're going nuclear and any world leader should be reserved on that. I don't think you even realize that active invasion of another country, killing their soldiers and commanders on the battlefield is far higher an escalation than any minor sneak attack or assassination.
If this fearful strategy didn't work with anyone, why do you think it will work with Russia?
It's not a strategy with Iran; it's just all they've got. And we think it will work with Russia because it's working.
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Registered Member
You need to stop putting words in other people's posts and drawing absurd conclusions.

Israel destroyed combat capability of all pro-Iran militias in the region, killed dozens of Iranian generals
One side in the Ukrainian war has lost dozen of generals. It is not the Russian one.

Besides Israel has no claim on destroyed combat capability of all pro-Iran militias until the flag of Israel is raised over Gaza like the Russian flag was raised over Mauripol. And the displaced population moves back to their homes. Far too premature to speak of this.
and even diplomats
And one side in the Ukraine war has had most of its majors, regional leaders, intelligence figures and famous unit leaders killed. I'll let you guess which one that is.
and suffered no relevant damage.

Iran showing fear made Israel bolder until Israel won in the region.

Russia, in turn, is repeating Iran's steps. It has already suffered several attacks within its territory,
So has Israel. So Israel is repeating Iran's step by suffering several attacks within it's territory?
lost generals
So has Israel
and has never done anything beyond the usual against Ukraine. Putin is just afraid of escalation, like Iranians.
Or like Israel
If this fearful strategy didn't work with anyone, why do you think it will work with Russia?
I'll give you that that the fearful strategy of Israel isn't working that well for Israel itself. Russia is applying a strategy that is similar in character but more succesful in execution.
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Registered Member
So @quim why don't you in your own logic explain again why Israel losing 2-3 generals counts for much less than Russia losing 2-3 generals?

Is the life value of an Israel general so much lower than a Russian one that the former doesn't represent a signficant contribution to the war score, while the latter does? To me that opinion strikes me as somewhat antisemitic.

You'll have to explain more your logic.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Russians took roughly a fifth of Ukraine so far and it accelerated last month.
98% of this from the first month of battle in 2022. A shameful performance that only losers like you defend.

This is the current map that shows that more than 82% of Ukraine is in Polish-Jewish hands, by far their greatest dominance in centuries:


Furthermore, all the small territory that Russia captured was pro-Russian in elections and with a Russian demographic majority.

Therefore, Russia did not captured any new lands. In fact, Russia is today much smaller and weaker than their original size of the Empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Culture is defined by your surrounding.
Then your surroundings are too small, weak and wrong. Sorry. Very low cultured.
Education is defined by your degree. That is universally recognized.
Education is not just instruction. This just shows how low cultured you are. Education is also enlightened experiences beyond.

Millions and millions can get degrees from universities every year, I have 3, 1 in the STEM field, and 1 PhD and I don't need to brag about it. Education goes beyond instruction and you, with so much lack of good manners, without evidence and emotionally defending Putin's cowardice and mistakes only proves this.

Being in a Western country while being pro-Russia pro China is already not kowtowing to the establishment.
So that makes you one of millions of third world people who need to emigrate to rich western countries, or one of their child.

So you are no different from millions of cowardly Muslims who flee their countries to live in the West and have no ability to help their own countries to grow. You and they are just useful idiots, because being pro-Russia and pro-China and at the same time paying taxes to Western governments to kill Russians and Chinese in wars is already kowtowing to an extreme level. lol
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Junior Member
Registered Member
So @quim why don't you in your own logic explain again why Israel losing 2-3 generals counts for much less than Russia losing 2-3 generals?

Is the life value of an Israel general so much lower than a Russian one that the former doesn't represent a signficant contribution to the war score, while the latter does? To me that opinion strikes me as somewhat antisemitic.

You'll have to explain more your logic.
Israel lost 1 general in real combat in Gaza. Russia is losing generals and scientists in Moscow, its capital, through very cheap plans by Ukrainian intelligence. A great international shame for Russia.

Furthermore, when Israel lost 1 general, Netanyahu killed all the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah and humiliated Iran in front of everyone. Promised and fulfilled.

Now what is Russia doing against Ukraine increasingly bold attacks? It's almost winter and Ukrainian homes are still warm and money, energy and weapons from the West keep arriving.


Registered Member
Israel lost 1 general in real combat in Gaza. Russia is losing generals and scientists in Moscow, its capital, through very cheap plans by Ukrainian intelligence.
Israel also lost a general in Tel aviv to a Hamas gunman. One that escaped from a prison, can't get cheaper than that. Why didn't IDF just execute the guy in prison?
A great international shame for Russia.
A great international shame for Israel and anyone sponsoring Israel by the same logic.
Furthermore, when Israel lost 1 general, Netanyahu killed all the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah and humiliated Iran in front of everyone. Promised and fulfilled.
Russia killed all of Azov and the other "famous" units leaders several times over already. So promise fulfilled enough?
Now what is Russia doing against Ukraine increasingly bold attacks? It's almost winter and Ukrainian homes are still warm and money, energy and weapons from the West keep arriving.
What is Israel doing? They marched in 10 km or so, then had to retreat because of an unfavorable trade with defenders.

At least Russia is quickly gaining ground (relative to Israel). 1.5 year into the war and we're getting the same humanitarian donation ads from Gaza, and the same style vehicle destruction clips. Tunnels/supply lines evidently fully intact.

Where is your logical consistency if you can't condemn an aggressor's performance for failing to take even like 200 square km over 1.5 years but on the other hand condemn the performance of another aggressor that takes 200 square km in a few weeks?

You need to have basic logical consistency.

No Russians save for like a 100 living in Sudzha have been displaced by the war, but after the Israeli retreat in Lebanon, half the country is inoperable for civilians. This is the true great shame of a retreat that Netanyahu should never have ordered if he had the willpower to fight. That's actually the much worse thing compared to IDF losing the occasional leader.


Lieutenant General
Israel lost 1 general in real combat in Gaza. Russia is losing generals and scientists in Moscow, its capital, through very cheap plans by Ukrainian intelligence. A great international shame for Russia.

Furthermore, when Israel lost 1 general, Netanyahu killed all the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah and humiliated Iran in front of everyone. Promised and fulfilled.

Now what is Russia doing against Ukraine increasingly bold attacks? It's almost winter and Ukrainian homes are still warm and money, energy and weapons from the West keep arriving.
Both Ukraine and Israel economies are in shambles. Both depends on Western donation to prop up their regime. We all know how much that won't last.


Junior Member
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Israel also lost a general in Tel aviv to a Hamas gunman. One that escaped from a prison, can't get cheaper than that. Why didn't IDF just execute the guy in prison?

A great international shame for Israel and anyone sponsoring Israel by the same logic.

Russia killed all of Azov and the other "famous" units leaders several times over already. So promise fulfilled enough?

What is Israel doing? They marched in 10 km or so, then had to retreat because of an unfavorable trade with defenders.

At least Russia is quickly gaining ground (relative to Israel). 1.5 year into the war and we're getting the same humanitarian donation ads from Gaza, and the same style vehicle destruction clips. Tunnels/supply lines evidently fully intact.

Where is your logical consistency if you can't condemn an aggressor's performance for failing to take even like 200 square km over 1.5 years but on the other hand condemn the performance of another aggressor that takes 200 square km in a few weeks?

You need to have basic logical consistency.

No Russians save for like a 100 living in Sudzha have been displaced by the war, but after the Israeli retreat in Lebanon, half the country is inoperable for civilians. This is the true great shame of a retreat that Netanyahu should never have ordered if he had the willpower to fight. That's actually the much worse thing compared to IDF losing the occasional leader.
So you are still in denial about Israel's victory. This says enough.
Both Ukraine and Israel economies are in shambles. Both depends on Western donation to prop up their regime. We all know how much that won't last.
Not that much and was obviously only temporarily. Both Israel and Ukraine are already growing again.

And Israel neutralizing Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in the region and making agreements with Arab countries is a good investment that will bring a lot of profit in the future.

Ukraine is also counting on transforming into a new South Korea supported by Western aid and partnerships after the stalemate. Which is very likely to happen.

Therefore, these economic excuses are naive.

If Russia doesn't destroy Ukraine as a country, it will only gain a new, bigger, bloodthirsty South Korea on the border. A stalemate isn't a victory for Russia.
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