Z-21/Z-X heavy attack helicopter


Lieutenant General
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why this thread is in "Air Force" while attack helicopter is Army equipment

Because other helicopters and attack helicopters as primarily Army equipment, have been included in this section of the forum as well, and changing and reorganizing it is likely to be a bit confusing.

The lack of consistency is something we're aware of, for example why is the J-XY/35 in the navy part of the forum rather than air force if we were organizing systems and platforms to sections based on if they were aerial in nature or naval in nature.

All good questions, and the answer is "don't think about it lalalalala"


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The Z21 likely adapted TADS type targeting system,original design for Z10,but due to weight penalty z10 decided to adapted lighter turrent ball turrent design.

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Contrary to others, the appearance of this thing is one which I think is quite good.

As with any attack helicopter there's a certain ugliness to it, but there is nothing too odd like the Mi-28's Mickey mouse front profile or the Ka-28's odd side by side cockpit.

Just a no nonsense, heavy attack helicopter. This thing doesn't look much different from Z-10, Apache, Roovialk, A129, LCH, Roovialk, T929, and that's pretty fine to me.

Attack helicopters are just missile/sensor/datalink trucks anyhow.

And it goes without saying this Z-21 should have the cutting edge of PRC sensor, weapons and networking technology offered by their MIC today.

"Contrary to others, the appearance of this thing is one which I think is quite good. [¶] As with any attack helicopter there's a certain ugliness to it, but there is nothing too odd .... [¶] .... This thing doesn't look much different from Z-10, Apache, Roovialk, A129, LCH, Roovialk, T929 ...."

"Suitably ugly, so it already ticks the first box required for any attack helicopter."

Exactly. People are of course entitled to their own opinions regarding aesthetics, but for those who are vomit-emojiing over the Z-21's looks, I'm curious: What did you expect?

On a separate note, it's nice to see the upturned exhausts. Not only is the IR mitigation good in and of itself, but the exhausts are evidence that the Z-21 has sufficiently powerful engines from the get-go (unlike the Z-10).