Z-21/Z-X heavy attack helicopter


This number has no relationship with reality(like this is range at cruise altitude). Actual attack helicopter combat op radius within combat zone can be 10 or more times lower. Helicopter, especially in combat, doesn't fly - it is a sort of thirsty super amphibious vehicle that beats air into submission.
This is why for helicopters armed with actual weapon loads being heavier is of such paramount importance - even if it comes at the expense of size and agility.
For many years, it became basically sort of theory v practice check - theory advices building smallest(and, importantly, narrowest) airframes possible. After going through any serious contested fighting - they start gaining weight.
Unlike many, China actually did some research before learning the hard way.
I love that description of rotorcraft. “Beating air into submission” now I’m just imagining muscle bound invisible arms coming out of the rotors smashing the air in the direction the helicopter is moving.

*Helicopter rotor to the free stream*: YOU MY B**** NOW! *smash**smash*
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I love that description of rotorcraft. “Beating air into submission” now I’m just imagining muscle bound invisible arms coming out of the rotors smashing the air in the direction the helicopter is moving.

*Helicopter rotor to the free stream*: YOU MY B**** NOW! *smash**smash*
Ahhh yes now I see why 5-blade rotors are better than 4-blade ones. More blades mean more beating which is good


Registered Member
Some part of me is hoping that this Z-21/Z-XX would be equipped with at least some degrees of cross-service CEC and manned-unmanned cooperability capability. But that might just be me.
Under the modernization effort of informationization and the PLA's doctrine of fighting “Local War Under Informationized Conditions" I would expect CEC. Manned-unmanned compatibility is a bit more on the air imo. Hopefully they are both included for a new platform showcased in the 2020s


Lieutenant General
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Contrary to others, the appearance of this thing is one which I think is quite good.

As with any attack helicopter there's a certain ugliness to it, but there is nothing too odd like the Mi-28's Mickey mouse front profile or the Ka-28's odd side by side cockpit.

Just a no nonsense, heavy attack helicopter. This thing doesn't look much different from Z-10, Apache, Roovialk, A129, LCH, Roovialk, T929, and that's pretty fine to me.

Attack helicopters are just missile/sensor/datalink trucks anyhow.

And it goes without saying this Z-21 should have the cutting edge of PRC sensor, weapons and networking technology offered by their MIC today.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
why this thread is in "Air Force" while attack helicopter is Army equipment