Z-20 (all variants) thread


Tyrant King
When it's with low-vis insignia, door-mounted gatling, IR-suppressive exhausts, then they're finally getting somewhere...
Right now, I think they are not ready for that yet. In fact I would lay money that there first production models wouldn't be fitted with those.
I think the PLA from a practical standpoint The First place that the Z20 would go would be replacements for the 24 or so Sikorsky S-70C-2 choppers.
The S-70C-2 Blackhawk's that the Chinese have are old. They got them back in about 1984 and have used them ever since. Not to say they are not functional but they only have a limited number and a lot of years on them. I mean other nations have Blackhawks just as old but they have the option to make follow on buys. Even Taiwan got there Blackhawks a few years later but have made buys of new units from time to time. The PLA has not had that option. So I think the PLA's first move with Z20 would be 1 to 1 Replacements for the now 34 year old Choppers then expand from there.
Including eventually equipping more front line elements with systems tailored to combat operations.
No, it means they're going into foreign countries for COIN operations. Until then, all those accessories are superfluous for conventional combined-arms total war.
Actually those features are suited for conventional missions as well. IR MANPAD and SAM systems are used by Conventional forces for close air defense and observation. The US who started the true attack helicopter type started fitting IR supression not because of Veitnam but due to the concern of Russian forces with IR SAMs. similar systems were later supplied to the Afghan forces to fight Russian aircraft. So you have it backwards.

Also the PLA does do some UN Blue Helmet missions and with increased presence in Afghanistan the middle east and the lessons from the Current wars in the Middle East it's increasingly likely that MANPADS will proliferate and future PLA operations will have include the possibility of having to equip some IR defense systems when operating abroad.


The reason why there is no IR supression is because that cost 30% of the engines output. Maybe there will be versions with IR supression for special forces insertion but for general purposes ie transport of troops and material that won't be needed.


The reason why there is no IR supression is because that cost 30% of the engines output. Maybe there will be versions with IR supression for special forces insertion but for general purposes ie transport of troops and material that won't be needed.
Meanwhile it's standard package on all UH-60, not just Spec-ops birds...if I'm asking for too much at this time, just say that I'm so...


Meanwhile it's standard package on all UH-60, not just Spec-ops birds...if I'm asking for too much at this time, just say that I'm so...
You are asking too much. And have been for years. You're welcome to start donating to the PLA's "equip every soldier with a $10,000 optic" and "equip every helicopter with a 30% thrust-reduction device" fund if you want it so badly.


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This is the Z-20-thread and not a topic related to discuss the principles like pros and cons of modern helicopter warfare.