Z-20 (all variants) thread


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Me again since the question posted yesterday was most likely lost!

Shall we open a dedicated Z-20F/J-thread in the naval section for the naval variants? IMO this mix of different versions a bit confusing even more so when it enters service in the foreseeable future, What do you think?

I don't think it's worth it tbh, because it's not like there is much new news about existing Z-20s in PLAGF and PLAAF service anyhow -- it would only be orbat tracking.

I think continuing this thread as the only Z-20 thread for all variants is probably easiest because there isn't enough news for all the separate land/air force and naval variants to warrant separate threads.


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Best image so far released of the PLAN NA ASW variant Z-20F. Here as prototype no. 6222 (pt. F02) and three more naval Z-20s in the hangar behind: far left no. 6213 a Z-20J, then in the middle and far right two more Z-20Fs.
(Image via @飞扬军事铁背心 from Weibo)

By the way, shall we open a dedicated naval-variant thread in the naval section?

View attachment 115081
Sanya Base?


A Z-20KS of the Hong Kong garrison (serial is almost certainly 6606). The last image shows the interior of a different Z-20 at the open house event held by the Hong Kong garrison.


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