more on JY-27 type of radar. This is from air force engineering university newspaper regarding the usage of JY-27
- basically it seems like the idea is to use the wideband radar like JY-27 to guide the missiles to within 15km of the stealth target and hope that the missile can lock onto the stealth target using impulse? (maybe CW) seeker.
What they seem to be suggesting here is a bit of a stretch really. Large volume, long frequency radars do not update fast enough even to suit the needs of midphase inertial guidance of SAMs and AAMs. That's why even AMRAAM has to use the plane's engaged TWS modes for midphase guidance, and not the plane's RWS modes, which provide volume search. Even the best active radar homing air to air missiles cannot rely on a broad aimpoint due to the speed and evasability of the airborne target. Antiship missiles use ARH principle and can use a broad aim point, but then ships are a lot bigger and slower than a jet aircraft.
Like I said earlier, these large volume search radars can be used to que a more precise faster tracking tracking radar that is better suited for SAM midphase updates.