Nothing tests equipment and training like actual combat. So if they get beat, then their equipment and/or training just wasn't good enough.
The radar network would be so extensive as to cause the defenders to question the expense. Stealth fighters are effective because they force the enemy to waste a lot of money. It might come to the point that in order to defend against stealth, the air defense costs more than the target being defended.
That theory blows because the radar means to detect stealth, will cost you far less than than to develop, build, and maintain the stealth jets themselves. Do you know the kinds of materials that have to go into a stealth jet? Some of the maintainance procedures are so arcane, for example. If you open a panel to do some maintenance, the edge of the panels have to be caulked with a special compound when they are put back. Then it has to be dried at least a day or more. Then the section has to be repainted with RAM coating. During that time, the plane cannot be taken for missions.
The cost of a stealth jet, can range from 100 billion for a JSF to over 280 billion for an F-22. How much is an entire squadron? How much is the development money and resources used to develop this? How much does a radar network cost, if we are to implement long frequency UHF/VHF radar (like used so effectively in the Battle of Britain), and to implement multistatic radar. Multistatic radar does not need exotic scanning techs like PESA or AESA; it is possible to even convert existing radar sets into multistatic with component and software changes. Its possible to even use stray radio waves, for example, like the ones used by cellular phone repeating stations, as illumination sources. This is not to mention the third means too, using electrooptical scanners (IRST). And finally the fourth factor that may work against stealth is that DSPs and computing processing power is getting so good, they may actually get to filter and pick out the weak return signals that may be reflected off from a VLO target.
But of course, your fighters need extensive networking abilities, but networking is valuable in so many other ways, you're going to put them anyway.
Sooner or later, everyone has to invest counter stealth measures one way or another. It's not the fighters you should be worried about, but the creation of VLO cruise missiles or ballistic missile warheads, things that will cost you far less than any fighter.