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Well yeah, religion was is so obvious it is not worth to bring it up. But what I am saying, is that this is not the absolute barrier that prevent long lasting peace.

Jews and Muslim have been living relatively peacefully with each other for over 1500 years in Middle East, in fact, Jews generally was more accepted in Middle East than in Europe. It is only after WW2 when Israel took of their land the situation got bad.

But again... it is really in Israel's best interest to come up with a successful resolution with the Palestinians long time ago for their own interest, for example make deals with all other Arabs nations to take in some refugee, and at same time, helping the Palestinians to settle in their new homes with economic aids, and further culture cooperation to defuse long term tension.

But what happen is the Palestinians are stuck in refugee camp and their numbers are growing, each new generation are born and taught to hate. And Israel cannot just wipe them out like nations do in the past, so eventually they are doomed to be take over by Palestinians population.

I would NEVER directly compare China with Taiwan, there is absolutely no similarity between the two, however I still think the relationship between China and Taiwan was no less seriously to resolve. And they fact the China and Taiwan both agreed to turn towards a new level of interaction speaks a lot of wisdom from both side.

While Israel further humiliation of Palestinians was an conscious decision which speaks of their failure.

noble but again Arab countries will NEVER take it Palestinian refugees. If there is a group of folks the Arabs hate as much as the Jews are the Palestinians. They are like the red headed step child that no one likes or love BUT because they play a significant political role in current Israeli politics they are being used as pawns and crutch to advance their own political agendas against the Israealis.

If the Arabs are half as noble as what they say they are in terms of the 'Palestinian cause' they would've brokered some sort of treaty or negotiations like you said and this thing will be solve forever. Unfortunately they won't because they WANT the 'Palestinain Cause' to always be there as a hedge against Israel.


Banned Idiot
First of all, Mao was not crazy. Anyone who thinks Mao was crazy does not understand modern Chinese history very well. Mao was a brilliant military strategist and a ruthless politician.

Second, the thawing of relations came after 30 years of military stalemate. This stalemate was created precisely because of the Taiwan strait. Therefore, Franklin was perfectly correct in saying that the presence of this natural barrier contributed to better relationship between the two sides.

I'm not going to argue the inner brain work of Mao, as for TW and China, I only bring this up to make a point about Israel and Palestine, so I won't go risk derailing this further, I said what I needed to say in the last 5 posts already.


Banned Idiot
noble but again Arab countries will NEVER take it Palestinian refugees. If there is a group of folks the Arabs hate as much as the Jews are the Palestinians. They are like the red headed step child that no one likes or love BUT because they play a significant political role in current Israeli politics they are being used as pawns and crutch to advance their own political agendas against the Israealis.

If the Arabs are half as noble as what they say they are in terms of the 'Palestinian cause' they would've brokered some sort of treaty or negotiations like you said and this thing will be solve forever. Unfortunately they won't because they WANT the 'Palestinain Cause' to always be there as a hedge against Israel.

Yes I am well aware of that, and Israel's stance on this matter didn't help either. If they truly wanted to resolve the problem, they would have tried made overtures to the Arab nations into taken them in, and last time I check, Israel did no such thing they are not interested in helping the Palestinian whatsoever, it appears they are keeping them poor and angry on purpose. And of course why would the Arab be the first people to offer resolution to help? When they have been humiliated battle after battle by Israel.

So in the end, nothing changed from what I was saying, the Palestinian population are growing like crazy, and they all have one goal in mind....


Junior Member
China Angers Neighbors with Sea Claims on New Passports
By Manuel Mogato | Reuters – 2 hrs 17 mins ago

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MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines and Vietnam condemned Chinese passports containing a map of China's disputed maritime claims on Thursday, branding the new design a violation of their sovereignty.

The map means countries disputing the Chinese claims will have to stamp microchip-equipped passports of countless visitors, in effect acquiescing to the Chinese point of view.
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Ok everyone except equation and ManilaBoy45..stick to the World's breaking news. Thank you.

bd popeye super moderator

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
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SEOUL, South Korea — A man wielding a box-cutter stabbed or cut eight people at a subway station just outside of South Korea's capital after a teenager confronted him for spitting at him, police said Sunday.

No one died in the 10-minute rampage Saturday and the injuries weren't life-threatening, according to three police officers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk to the media. Police arrested a man running away from the station in Uijeongbu, which is home to U.S. and South Korean military bases, the officers said.

Such attacks are rare in South Korea.

Police identified the suspect as a 39-year-old man surnamed Yoo.

Yoo began wielding a box cutter at an 18-year-old man surnamed Park inside the train when the victim confronted Yoo for spitting at him, police said. Infuriated when Park said he would call police, Yoo began brandishing the cutter on a train and then on a station platform until he was arrested, Uijeongbu Police Station said in a statement released Sunday.

Yoo, who is unemployed and lives alone, was on his way to find work in Seoul on the subway, police said.


Banned Idiot
China Angers Neighbors with Sea Claims on New Passports
By Manuel Mogato | Reuters – 2 hrs 17 mins ago

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MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines and Vietnam condemned Chinese passports containing a map of China's disputed maritime claims on Thursday, branding the new design a violation of their sovereignty.

The map means countries disputing the Chinese claims will have to stamp microchip-equipped passports of countless visitors, in effect acquiescing to the Chinese point of view.

ha its a sneaky way to get most countries to agree with Chinas POV.

Vietnam has got around that by refusing to issue visas on the new passports. apparently they issue them on a detached page. Apparently China does the same thing to Indians who originate from Arunachal Pardesh wanting a Chinese visa.
What fun it would be if all countries that had a political point to prove started doing it as a form of protest.
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Junior Member
Taiwan President Orders Protest Against New Chinese Passports

Adam Tyrsett Kuo
The China Post
Publication Date : 24-11-2012

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Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou has instructed the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) to urge the mainland Chinese authorities not to destroy the hard-won stability between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, Presidential Office spokesman Fan Chiang Tai-chi said yesterday.


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Bishops Downplay Doom Scenario, but Say 'Be Ready'

Philip C. Tubeza
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Publication Date : 25-11-2012

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Bishops of the Catholic Church in the Philippines have a ready reply to the doomsday scenario that is to take place in less than a month as supposedly suggested by the Mayan calendar and now circulating widely online and on the streets.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
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As President Obama prepares for his second term, preparations have begun for the traditional shuffling of the Cabinet.

Top priority for the president: filling slots for those top officials heading - if not running - for the door: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner.

To replace Clinton, Democratic insiders suggest that U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Susan Rice is the frontrunner, with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., also a viable candidate.

Rice has been harshly criticized by Republicans for the erroneous comments she made on Sunday news talk shows after the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, comments that were based on intelligence reports that falsely blamed the attack on a protest against an anti-Muslim video. When the president, during his recent press conference, offered a vociferous defense of Rice, many of those close to him began to suspect he was tipping his hand as to what he might decide.

To replace Geithner at Treasury, White House chief of staff Jack Lew is thought to have the inside track if he wants it, with other possibilities including Neal Wolin, the current deputy secretary of the Treasury and Lael Brainaed, current under secretary of the Treasury for international affairs.

Other informed sources suggest that there is consideration being given to a business/CEO type such as investor Roger Altman, former Time/Warner chair Richard Parsons, and Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg.

Those are the two most pressing jobs to fill, with Clinton exhausted from a long stretch in government - eight years as first lady, eight as senator, and four as secretary of state - and the president having personally promised Geithner's wife that he could leave as soon as possible after the election.

Any of the business/CEO types being discussed for treasury secretary could also serve as secretary of commerce, a position that for the Obama administration has proved as troublesome as the role of drummer in Spinal Tap. Jeff Zients, the acting director of the Office of Management & Budget, is said to be under consideration.

It's too flip to refer to it as a consolation prize, but informed sources say that - with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also planning on leaving - Kerry could be offered the position secretary of defense if he wants it, though the Massachusetts senator has suggested he only wants State. Another option, Michelle Flournoy, a former under secretary of defense for Policy, would be the first female to serve in that position. There was some discussion of National Security Adviser Tom Donilon moving across the river, but it seems clear, sources say, that he's staying where he is.

If Lew leaves to take the position at Treasury, some possible replacements for him as chief of staff include deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough or Vice President Biden's current chief of staff Ron Klain. Tom Nides, deputy secretary of state for management and resources, has also been discussed.

President Obama's senior adviser David Plouffe has also long discussed leaving the White House. There are many options to fill his shoes, including the elevation of communications director Dan Pfeiffer. Also possible: bringing back former press secretary Robert Gibbs, or former deputy chief of staff/campaign manager Jim Messina. Another option might be to bring in some of the people who were part of the messaging shop in the campaign - David Simus, who served as director of opinion research for the campaign, or Larry Grisolano, who did ads for campaign.

- Jake Tapper
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