Well yeah, religion was is so obvious it is not worth to bring it up. But what I am saying, is that this is not the absolute barrier that prevent long lasting peace.
Jews and Muslim have been living relatively peacefully with each other for over 1500 years in Middle East, in fact, Jews generally was more accepted in Middle East than in Europe. It is only after WW2 when Israel took of their land the situation got bad.
But again... it is really in Israel's best interest to come up with a successful resolution with the Palestinians long time ago for their own interest, for example make deals with all other Arabs nations to take in some refugee, and at same time, helping the Palestinians to settle in their new homes with economic aids, and further culture cooperation to defuse long term tension.
But what happen is the Palestinians are stuck in refugee camp and their numbers are growing, each new generation are born and taught to hate. And Israel cannot just wipe them out like nations do in the past, so eventually they are doomed to be take over by Palestinians population.
I would NEVER directly compare China with Taiwan, there is absolutely no similarity between the two, however I still think the relationship between China and Taiwan was no less seriously to resolve. And they fact the China and Taiwan both agreed to turn towards a new level of interaction speaks a lot of wisdom from both side.
While Israel further humiliation of Palestinians was an conscious decision which speaks of their failure.
noble but again Arab countries will NEVER take it Palestinian refugees. If there is a group of folks the Arabs hate as much as the Jews are the Palestinians. They are like the red headed step child that no one likes or love BUT because they play a significant political role in current Israeli politics they are being used as pawns and crutch to advance their own political agendas against the Israealis.
If the Arabs are half as noble as what they say they are in terms of the 'Palestinian cause' they would've brokered some sort of treaty or negotiations like you said and this thing will be solve forever. Unfortunately they won't because they WANT the 'Palestinain Cause' to always be there as a hedge against Israel.