I posted the photos in this link at mp.net and they were deleted..
Another member posted two thumbnails of the same event and they are still standing. This is not the first time this has happened to me over there.
I should just stay away from that forum.
I kinda have similar experiences on our sister forum DT, there are some great guys over there as well, but they are heavily into "Group Think", and new posters who go against that "brand" are summarily insulted and branded trolls or flame-baiters, and banned. The main reason I love Sino Defense, is that I am able to "speak my mind", and the moderators are always kind and considerate, so if I have something that I "suspect" might be over the edge, I feel very comfortable asking the mods to "edit or delete" as they see fit, and if somebody is "out of hand", our mods make every attempt explain and respectfully ask that person to follow the rules. I would love to see DT be more like the Sino Defense forum, and be a little more respectful of others??? One of the reasons I spend my time on Sino D wit my bros, brat.