This article is just disgusting. The fact that it is coming from the CBC is even more shameful!
Below is even a poll asking if people have been accused unfairly while traveling abroad! Hey CBC, how about a poll asking people if they've ever injured someone in a traffic accident and tried to shirk responsibility?
$20k for a broken leg in a traffic accident is a nothing. If that happened in Canada, he would easily have been liable for $2 million!
That anecdote reminds me of another western myth about China, that China is a police state. China is actually one of the most under-policed country in the world. The police to population ratio of China is one of the lowest in the world, at a level far below UN minimal recommended level, and of course far below the United States. There are just not enough police, and other law enforcement people to catch all the criminals. That's becoming a bigger problem was the country get richer and society more complex.
Most existing Chinese police are also very poorly trained. Most of them don't know anything about laws or proper investigative techniques.
There is a good documentary film 罪与罚 by 赵亮. It depicts a Chinese PAP unit. The police officers are actually depicted sympathetically, they want to do a good job, but these young men have no law enforcement training whatsoever. When they bring in suspects, their only interrogation technique to to rough them up. All the suspects were released in the end, even the guilty ones, because the police can't find any evidence against them.
The United States government is running a program to provide training for Chinese police if you can believe that. That's probably going to raise some eyebrow among stupid human rights type.
Another dbag that thinks like that band.
in canada, people don't have to pay compensation out of pocket because insurance companies are required to cover it. in china, this is what happens because insurance companies will often simply refuse to provide coverage even when insurance has been bought (not enforced in the first place)
what is false about this article is that it claims foreigners are blamed for accidents they didn't cause. fact of the matter is, a chinese tourist involved in a similar situation would be treated the same way if not worse. it's nothing against foreigners, it's simply china's dysfunctional traffic law system.
Local politician refuses to resign after incendiary Chinese comments [1]
August 6, 2013 - 10:21 -- christian
Socialdemokraterne in Helsingør want Fuat Yalan out of the party after his outburst in which he wished death upon the Chinese people
Socialdemokraterne in Helsingør have asked local politician Fuat Yalan to withdraw from the party's city council group after his scathing attack on China late last week [13], but Yalan has refused to buckle under the pressure.
The party’s council in Helsingør met Monday afternoon to discuss the issue and unanimously agreed to ask the embattled politician to step down. This morning however, Yalan told local newspaper Frederiksborg Amts Avis that he would not go peacefully into the night.
"I will not voluntarily step down, so [the rest of the council group] will have to hold an extraordinary meeting," Yalan said. "If they kick me out, I'll either become an independent or find a new party. But until they throw me out, I'm a member of Socialdemokraterne."
Based on the reaction of his colleagues to Yalan's Facebook comments that he hoped that China would ”burn” and that he would “shoot” a Chinese person if he was in front of him, Yalan's days in the party are likely limited.
“The comments were so volatile and so against our Socialdemokrat values, that we don’t feel that Fuat Yalan can represent our party,” Vibeke Schmidt, the head of Socialdemokraterne in Helsingør Council, wrote in a press release.
Yalan lost the plot late last week after allegedly watching a video in which some Chinese people were abusing a small boy. Writing on Facebook, Yalan said that he hoped that China would ”burn” before telling the local newspaper that he would “shoot” a Chinese person if he was in front of him.
The Chinese Embassy was understandably upset over the outburst and Yalan eventually came out and apologised. He explained that his comments were aimed at the people in a video he watched that allegedly showed a Chinese boy being subjected to abuse, and not all Chinese people.
”I apologise to all the people who I have hurt and I regret my outburst and the effects it has generated," Yalan wrote in a press release. "I have behaved like a fool and there is just one person that can change that, and that’s me.”
But Yalan’s apology seems to be too little, too late and his party has decided that they can no longer be associated with him.
It’s not the first time that Yalan has landed in hot water. He has called Israel a terrorist nation in the past and in 2002 he said that he was ashamed of being a Socialdemokrat. Yalan is also listed amongst the city councillors in the nation with the most absence in attendance.
Over the years, I've seen a lot of pandering in the Western media to China's weaknesses, and why China is backward, and things to that effect. In fact these voices have only grown stronger in recent years... Why? Obviously because China as a country is becoming stronger and this makes many people uneasy. Sensing this, politicians and media in the West exploit this psychology in a game in which they play up China, then reassure people that China is still weak. They drum up the China threat, and then calm people's fears with how China is backwards.
These pundits and politicians do this because it wins them an audience, and it exploits people's insecurities and gives a reason for self-gratification. (because we're still on top!) At the same time, it makes people nationalistic (by antagonizing China) and builds political cohesion against a perceived outside threat. The same psychology can be applied to individuals: some people like to gloat and dump on others because it makes themselves feel better.
I think as Chinese people, the best thing we can do is to avoid a reciprocal mindset. Some people in the West like to point fingers at China, but we must realize that this strategy comes from the position of weakness, not strength. Chinese people have been pointing fingers at the outside world for many years, this is partially justified because of a history of colonialism and foreign subjugation, but at the end of the day the downfall of Old China came not at the hands of foreigners but at our own hands. The foreigners were merely the vultures that came to pick China apart.
Now that China is on the rise, the Chinese government still makes use of this anti-foreign mindset to build cohesion and make us forget about our own weaknesses. In my opinion, we should approach things from a position of strength; by facing up to China's own shortcomings instead covering them up and pointing fingers at the West, (like many post-colonial governments in the Mideast, South America, etc) because that is the easy way out and does not lead to progress. I notice many forum members getting caught up in a sort of reactionary pissing contest with Western China-bashing pundits. My own view is that we should see them for what they are and ignore them, even take pity on them for being so blind.
I know exactly how teeth grindingly difficult it may be to see obvious lies being spread about China in service of some insecure people's self gratification, but in the end we must realize that these comments do not really hurt China, they only hurt the people who believe them and who thereby bury their head in the sand.
However if we let them drag us into such a meaningless contention, we are encouraged to discount constructive criticism and truth when we examine China, which DOES hurt China because there are still many big problems in China that need to be addressed. I get the impression that many members of this forum are Chinese patriots who wish nothing but the best for China's future, thus I feel that this is an important message to try and get across.
I'm going to end my tirade with a famous quotation from the great philosopher and revolutionary 梁启超:
A rough translation: "When Chinese people are confronted with anti-foreign rhetoric, we are easily roused; however when we are confronted with rhetoric in opposition to government, we fear to voice our concurrence. If we have not even the ability to confront our own government, how can we expect to oppose foreigners? In laymen's words this attitude is compared to "insulting someone while hiding under your own bed." When the newspaper publishers post discussions opposing government policies, they often find themselves in deep trouble; however when those publishers talk up anti-foreign theories without demanding any domestic responsibility, they can easily win the joyous support of many people."
-100 years later, this is exactly the stance that these China-bashing journalists are taking today. Let us heed Mr. Liang's words and not subject ourselves to the same pitfalls of this sort of psychology.