why doesn't china have/get long range AAM?

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
well about the american stuff, itz okie just dont over do it...

J-8??? with the SD-10???

whats the point, I see it better to use the MiG-25 instead and upgrade everything

SD-10 is a great missile, but it needs a great aircraft with a powerful system to handle the job

and the MiG-25's max altitude is 120k ft, beat that!


VIP Professional
Registered Member
think about, why spend more money one training and buying a new aircraft, when they can already upgrade the J-8 fleet and turn them into a powerful interceptor, it would be alot cheaper! flying high doesn't mean anything now a days, plus the MiG-25 radar doesn't even have a look-down and shoot; so whats the point.... i rather hug the ground thus cutting RCS; o and i don't think the russians would integrate the MiG-25 radar with SD-10 without another big price tag...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
yes the MiG-25 have look down and shoot but is very limited
why do you think teh J-8 is so crappy? with the right upgrades it can before a powerful figther with the J-7s

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
The J-7 is even crappier!!!

J-8 was a fight never to have BVR combat abilities... just how well can the plane take in Gs, and how much can it climb, one of the things in hit and run, you need a spd past M2.5, to outrun


VIP Professional
Registered Member
the J-7 will be used to set up a perimeter around the J-8 to take care of teh dogfighting, i wouldn't say just yet how "shitty" the J-7 is, in a dogfight with HMS and the Adder it can pose a serious thread to any western fighter getting close enough, it's maneuverability is probably equal to that of teh F-16!
who said the J-8's have to get in dirty all they do it fly up and it's more of hit and run.... they can fly at Mach 2.2 and have aerial refuelling capability all they need now is the upgrade to fire SD-10s
it's rate of climb is 12,000m/min compare that to a MMK 18,300m/min, with an underpowered engine that's not too bad, eh?


Banned Idiot
j-8 is really getting old. it has more potetial though. imagine if they fitted it with a double delta wing, phazo tron radar, and aa12. then it be one bad boy.