Children no matter the culture/race/ethnic background are supposed to have fun ,within reason, when growing up. They also need learning varied experiences. A mother that controls every aspect of a child's life will have so much resentment built towards her there may be a major disconnect when the children reach adulthood. And I do firmly believe that children raised in the manner described will adjust poorly to the very real and harsh World.
Raising children in this manner crosses all culture/race/ethnic backgrounds. It part of as the Gov of PA,Ed Rendell, states the wussification of America.
Also, using the term "Chinese" and "western" is overly simplistic. There are more than 50 different ethnic groups in China. Are they all Chinese and do they all have the same behaviour? I hardly think so. Similarly for "western". Germans, French, British, Australian, Canadians, Americans, etc all have different cultures (some more so than others). Lumping them all under "western" and using American societal norms isn't necessarily reflective of reality.
Agreed 100%While I'm never one to support strict rote-learning, the article does raise a few very good points:
1- Children do not naturally want to overcome challenges. It is the job of the parents to "motivate" them (through whatever means necessary) to do so. Nothing builds self-confidence like realizing that you can do something you thought you couldn't.
True, but a childwho only gets 1 hour a day would most probably make the most of it and become very efficient with their time management, while a child who has the whole day to himself, ends up complaining of boredom2- Leisure time is relative. Children who get 1 hour a day of personal time and children to get 11 hours a day will both WANT MORE.
Not sure what you mean by "wussification of America".
Not sure what you mean by "wussification of America".
kids are turning into sissies..because of over-parenting.
Disciplining with encouragement. As a foreigner, I see two versions:
1. Northern Chinese version-discipline , but also mentoring and encouragement, low to moderate Confucianist background.
2. Southern Chinese version - sheer discipline, with strong face saving. Strong Confucianist background.
I see this from my wife ( who is from northern china) and her circle of friends, some of whom are from Taiwan, southern china and Singapore. One thing in common is both versions stress heavily the importance of education, which has a much higher standard than western families. I would be satisfied if my daughter got 80% or a B , but learned much from her class. My CofC would like at least 97% or A. On the other hand both my daughter and wife love to sing, so my wife encourages her greatly in this.
Please do correct me if I missed anything.
Best Regards